Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Sauti Sol Laugh Off Break Up Claims

The Kenyan boyband Sauti Sol has rubbished reports of going their separate ways.

The Afropop group was reacting to an article by the Standard indicating that they had announced their breakup.

“In a shocking turn of events, long-time music group Sauti Sol have announced their imminent breakup. Group leader Peter Marangi explained that artistic differences were the main reason for the breakup,” the article reads in part.

The article also reported that rifts started appearing within the group in 2008 after their second album was released in 2006.

It was also claimed that Sauti Sol was ejected from a concert in Nairobi in 2010 after a public disagreement.

Taking to social media, the ‘Midnight Train’ hitmakers dismissed the claims as “witchcraft”.

“What kind of witchcraft is this? 👀😂” they posed.

Band leader Bien Baraza further rubbished the claims, saying: “The same way it is unconstitutionally illegal to imagine the death of the President, it is also illegal to imagine the breakup of Sauti Sol.”


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