Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Governor Mutua Has Been Receiving Nudes following Breakup with Lillian Ng’ang’a

Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua is apparently a man in demand following his breakup with Lillian Ng’ang’a.

Last week, the former lovebirds announced they parted ways about two months ago and are now good friends. Mutua was, however, the butt of the joke on social media after rumours emerged that Ng’ang’a is dating rapper Juliani.

The county boss might have been the subject of online ridicule but his DMs have been a beehive of activity, with some women reportedly sending unsolicited nudes.

Governor Mutua made the revelation during an interview with Jalang’o on YouTube, saying he has also been receiving messages of encouragement.

I want to thank those who have written to me, I have received so many DMs some are very funny and some have sent body parts.

“It’s been quite interesting and what I like most are the words of comfort and support for both myself and Lillian, and I really appreciate that,” Mutua said.

The Maendelo Chap Chap leader also explained why he referred to Ms Ng’ang’a as “honey” during his speech at his joint birthday party with Rayvanny.

We agreed with Lillian not to address our issues in public. All I want to say is this, once you have given your life to somebody for a long time, it behoves you to focus on the positive elements of your time together rather than any small problems you might have had.

It is very important in relationships that you respect each other when you are together or not together and to leave room for reconciliation and friendliness so that even if you’re with other partners you can still remain friends and work together,” he said.


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