Sunday, May 9, 2021

Trina Mungai Talks Music Hiatus, Covid-19 Lessons, Discrimination in the Industry

Trina Mungai, otherwise known as Meka Mungai, speaks about her music hiatus, new music, relationships, discrimination in the music industry and more.

It’s been a while since you released new music. What have you been up to?

Music is definitely still coming to the masses. I have been busy strategising on my work, writing music, growing creatively, and simply packaging myself in the ever-growing music industry.

What have you learnt about yourself during this Covid-19 period?

I have learnt so much about being patient with myself and that everything happens for a reason.

We live in a fast-paced world and it is truly unfortunate how Covid-19 has been a global hit.

However, it’s made me so much more appreciative of the minor things we do take for granted, including breathing and being alive.

As an artiste, the period has made me look inwardly; discover my voice, what more can I talk about and bring to the table.

Also how can my music heal and restore society and not just hit the top 10 or most wanted lists, but also learning how to use my gift to make society better.

So, when can we expect some new music from you?

I’d say soon. I am an ever-evolving artiste. So many different things inspire me, even moments where it’s cloudy and you’re unsure of where to go next with your life, career, or even business goals.

New music and content will be on your charts soon, that I promise. I just need you to be patient too.

You had an incident last year where you called out your baby daddy on social media for being a deadbeat dad. What’s the worst ordeal you have experienced in a relationship?

That would be being manipulated over and over without realising in time to leave. It affected my family deeply because I was equally changing negatively.

Recognising toxic relationships masked under flowers and chocolates only lasts so long.

At the time I didn’t know better, but thankfully now I truly do and I’m grateful for the ordeal because it’s made me a woman I am proud to be.

As a celebrity, would you say you’re into the conservative-private relationships, or do you go high key and public with it?

I am definitely into conservative-private relationships. Having a life in the limelight has taught me that it’s not so bad to keep something to yourself and to celebrate yourself in private with somebody you love.

Your relationship keeps the noise of opinions out, and quite frankly you build a solid foundation with your partner.

Have you ever had to deal with discrimination in the industry just because you were a woman?

Being a woman in the music industry is difficult. You do get the shorter end of the stick most of the time because people want to take advantage of you in any possible way.

Your physical appearance at most is always under scrutiny and criticism. There is an unseen dotted line that we (women) are burdened to cross because of how much you desire to achieve and become successful.

I have personally experienced this and have always stood my ground with my morals and beliefs. The world is a cut-throat road. Most situations give you an ultimatum of “bend or break”.

I thank God for how my mother raised me; she taught me how to always speak my truth, even when my voice is shaking.

She taught me to always walk away when my instincts are wavering and to always put God first with my decisions.

What lesson do you think you wish you learnt earlier in life?

I wish I learnt to raise my voice when I am uncomfortable, not to put someone’s selfish ambitions before my own (because that’s how you will be taken advantage of, and most importantly, not to give out my power.

Meekness is often rewarded with greatness and it took me a long time to learn this, but I eventually did; all is not lost at all. I can only aim to be better and learn what I need to.

My future depends on what I invest into myself now and thank heavens I am wiser now. No losses in life, only wins and lessons.


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