Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Police Officer Arrested for Defiling Daughter Aged 9

Police in Kirinyaga County on Tuesday arrested a policeman for allegedly sexually abusing his underage daughter.

The officer is said to have sexually assaulted his nine-year-old daughter when her mother had left the house.

The mother said she had gone to do some work on the farm when her husband turned against their daughter.

She discovered the grievous assault on her daughter when she returned home and found the girl crying.

The girl narrated her ordeal to her mother who then rushed her to the hospital.

The incident was reported to the police who arrested the police constable promptly.

Confirming the case, Kirinyaga East Sub County police boss Anthony Wanjuu said the officer will face an incest charge once investigations are complete.

“The police constable is not above the law. He will soon be arraigned,” said the police boss.


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