Monday, May 17, 2021

Jennifer Wambua Murder: Court Issues Order After DPP Approved Charges against Key Suspect

The High Court in Machakos has ordered the key suspect in the murder of National Land Commission (NLC) official Jennifer Itumbi Wambua to undergo a mental assessment test.

This comes after the Director of Public Prosecutions(DPP) Noordin Haji approved murder charges against the accused person, Peter Mwangi Njenga alias Ole Sankale.

In approving the murder charges, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) said forensic analysis placed Mr Njenga at the crime scene.

According to detectives, the suspect, who is a convicted rapist and violent robber, was last seen with Jennifer Wambua on March 12.

A charge sheet states the accused committed the offence between March 12 and 13 at a veterinary farm in Kajiado North sub-county within Kajiado county.

Ole Sankale reportedly committed the crime with others not before the court. He is also said to have been sentenced to death by hanging at Kibera Law Courts in January 2003 but left prison in unclear circumstances.

Machakos High Court judge David Kenei further directed that Ole Sankale be brought before him on May 26 for plea-taking.


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