Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Esther Musila Recounts the Unforgettable Moment Guardian Angel Proposed

Esther Musila is still on cloud nine two days after Guardian Angel asked for her hand in marriage.

The gospel music couple got engaged on Tuesday, May 25, the same day Musila was celebrating her 51st birthday.

On Wednesday, Musila took to social media to reminisce about the unforgettable birthday surprise that turned into a proposal thanks to Angel’s craftiness.

“Yesterday was my birthday. As usual, I woke up, did my morning exercises, had breakfast, and since I am working from home I have to manage my time we recorded our Zaidi Zaidi video. Since I had been informed we had to go and do the signing for the record deal, I was even convinced to wear a dress(which I don’t do anymore) for the photo sessions and thereafter he would take me out for dinner! I obliged and we set off for Karen.

“My G even in the car apologised that he was broke he wishes he could have done more, and since for me birthdays are not really a big deal, I told him not to worry I am OK as long as am healthy and God has brought me this far it didn’t matter,” she recounted.

Musila said it is when they got to Karen that it started dawning on her that they weren’t there to sign a record deal.

“So, we get to Karen, ushered into the studio and said we give them a few minutes as they set up. Then, someone called him outside of the room and he took quite some time to return. Kidogo kidogo he stands at the door then he asks me to come. As I stand up to leave, someone starts playing the saxophone and that’s when it hits me🙆‍♀️.

She continued: “I can’t even move my feet and all of a sudden there are so many people around I had not seen when we arrived. So I am led through a path lined up with roses into a gazebo and there sits my cake. At this point am thinking, my G, here you got me! I shall deal with you when we are alone.”

Then came the icing on the cake.

“So I am there cutting cake then because obviously, I expect to feed him cake or vice versa, I turn to find him then I see him behind me on bended knee!! I quickly turn back because I don’t think I’ve seen right 🤭. I turn back again and that’s when it hits me, he is proposing🙊🙊. It took me a couple of minutes to take it in. I said no no meaning I can’t believe my eyes!!! I cried, I cried 😢😢. This is one moment I will live to remember. Double blessings I must say. What a way to celebrate. Mrs. G,” she concluded.

The photos.



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