Tuesday, May 18, 2021

List of Top Performing Governors, MPs and MCAs

A new survey conducted by Mizani Africa has ranked the best performing lawmakers based on their performances during the past year.

According to the report released on Tuesday, May 18 at Serena Hotel, Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki topped the county bosses list with a score of 79.7 percent.

He was closely followed by Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru(79.4 percent). Nandi county chief Stephen Sang’ clinched the third position with 79.0 percent followed by his Mombasa counterpart Ali Hassan Joho with 78.9 percent.

In Parliament, Mizani Africa said Thika MP Patrick Wainaina Jungle and Westlands MP Tim Wanyonyi were the joint best performers with a 65.9 percent score.

The 2021 report on leadership was a culmination of a series of polls and questions conducted between March 5, 2020, to December 5, 2020, across all 47 counties.

Areas of focus included how the lawmakers managed the constituency development fund and the initiation of development projects in their constituencies during the period under review.

Here are the lists of top-performing governors, MPs, and MCAs according to Mizani Africa.

Top Governors

1. Muthomi Njuki -Tharaka Nithi -79.7 %

2. Anne Waiguru – Kirinyaga- 79.4%

3. Stephen Arap Sang- Nandi- 79.0%

4 Ali Hassan Joho- Mombasa- 78.9%

5 Anyang Nyongo-Kisumu- 78.5%

6. James Nyoro- Kiambu- 78.4%

7 Samboja Graham-Taita- 78.0%

Top MPs

1. Patrick Wainaina- MP Thika Town 65.9 %

2. MP Westlands Timothy Wetangula 65.9%

3. Mark Nyamita -Uriri- 65.5%

4 Ndindi Nyoro -Kiharu 65.1%

5. Ahmedswamad Sheriff (Mvita) -65.1 %

6. James Kamau (Kabete) -64.8 %

7.Babu Owino -MP Embakasi East -64.5 %

8. Murungi Muthuri (South Imenti) -64.5 %

9. Hassan Omar Mohamed (Mandera East) 64.2%

10. Didmus Barasa Wekesa (Kimilili) – 64.2 %

11. Simon Nganga ( Ruiru) – 63.9%

12. Moses Cheboit (Kuresoi) – 63.7 %

13. Caleb Kositany (Soy) – 63.7 %

14. Samuel Atandi ( Alego Usonga) 63.3 %

15. Josephat Gichunge (Tigania East) – 63.3 %

16. Opiyo Wandayi (Ugunja) -62.9 %

17. George Macharia (Ndia) – 62.8 %

18. Joshua Kavinda (Kaiti) – 62.7 %

19. Otiende Amollo (Rarieda)- 62.5 %

20. Anne Wanjiku Gatundu North – 62.2 %

21. Vincent Musyoka Mwala – 62%

22. Benjamin Mwangi Embakasi Central – 62%

Top MCAs

1 Biashara Ward ward Elijah Njoroge

2 Kinoo Ward Samuel Kimani

3 Ichagaki Ward Charles Mwangi who tied with Majimbo Okumu from Khalaba ward

4 Muguti Kiima Ward Caleb Mutiso

5 Kirinyaga Lucy Njeri Mwaniki

6 Matopeni Ward Abdi Guyo

7 Wangu ward Isaac Kamote who tied with Roysambu Ward Peter Warutere

8  Chinga Ward Kiruga Thuku

9 Kabazi Ward Peter Kibe Mbae

10 Juja Ward Jayantila Kaplesh

11 Tabera Ward Goodson Wachira

12 Kilimani Ward Morris Muchiri Nyaga

13 Ndenderu ward Solomon Kinuthia

14 Runyenjes ward Steve Simba

15 Kitengela Ward Paul Matuyia

16 Mweiga Ward Njuguna Wanjiku Kawanjiku

17 Meru county Elias Murega Julius

18 Nominated MCA Nairobi Annita Nthumbi

19 Langas Ward Francis Mwangi

20 Nominated MCA Machakos Margaret Ndalana

source http://nairobiwire.com/2021/05/list-of-top-performing-governors-mps-and-mcas.html

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