Monday, June 21, 2021

The Day Mike Sonko Almost Became a Cop…”Afadhali Ningekuwa Karao”

Before joining politics and becoming one of the wealthiest politicians in the country, former Nairobi governor Mike Sonko wanted to become a police officer.

The year was 1993 when an 18-year-old Mike Sonko tried his luck at joining the Kenya police service. This despite being rich enough to build himself a palatial mansion in Mombasa.

At the time, Sonko was supervising the construction of his 14 bedroomed house opposite the Golden guest house in Kwale, Mombasa.

“I left my construction site where I was supervising the construction of my 14 bedroomed house and went for police recruitment at Kwale grounds. In the last recruitment stage, we were told to run 150metres,” says Sonko, adding that he finished first in the race.

According to Sonko, finishing first didn’t help his case as he was disqualified for “running very first like a thief and not a police officer”.

Disappointed, Sonko returned to his car, a Mercedes Benz, when three curious cops followed him to ask about his expensive car.

“As I opened the driver’s door 3 cops followed me wakaniuliza hi gari ni yako au ya babako au you have been employed as a drivers incentives. Since nilikuwa na hasira I answered them zote. At this point former Kwale Deputy OCPD a Mr. Gituku ( alikuwa na mvi ya white) akaingilia and told them huyu kijana ni katajiri kahapa ka mashamba,” Sonko recalls.

The politician then gave the cops some petty cash. He would later meet the same cops at his local where they told him that he had qualified and was supposed to report to Kiganjo police training college for a full police course.

The following day, Sonko says he shared the good news with some of his friends in the police force, who discouraged him against a career in the service.

Read the full story in Sonko’s words below.

SIDENOTE: At this rate, and with all the spare time he has now, Sonko should just start a YouTube channel to share more of his stories. I personally would like to know how he escaped a police dragnet for 11 hours leading to his dramatic arrest in Voi, and what really made him scream as cops handcuffed him.


A day like today in 1993 I wanted to become a police officer, I left my construction site where I was supervising the construction of my 14 bedroomed house opposite Golden guest house and went for police recruitment at Kwale grounds.

In the last recruitment stage, we were told to run 150metres. Nikajaribu yangu yote and took the first position, nilipomaliza as a winner I was slapped several times na nikakuwa disqualified ati I was running very first like a thief and not a police officer.

I then went to my blue Mercedes benz KUW 008. As I opened the driver’s door 3 cops followed me wakaniuliza hi gari ni yako au ya babako au you have been employed as a drivers incentives, since nilikuwa na hasira I answered them zote.

At this point former Kwale Deputy OCPD a Mr. Gituku (alikuwa na mvi ya white) akaingilie and told them huyu kijana ni katajiri kahapa ka mashamba. I opened the dashboard of my car and gave them 3k each in 500’s.

Then jioni when I was at my local pub Simba bar kwale town the officers came for a drink in company of Mr. Gituku. I treated them vizuri before they left wakasema imesemekana nimequalify and I’m supposed to report to kiganjo for full police course.

The following day I was excited Nika share the good news with my friends Mr. Antony Oyier who was the DO matuga( his father was a PC ), Mzee Githende Gachanja who was the principal Government training institute Matuga, Police constables Chacha, Ngowa, Aden and Muita who were all my best friends wakanidiscourage wakasema unajua ile shida inakuanga kwa training kiganjo, what are you lacking in life that you want to become a police officer, wachana na hiyo mchezo.

Sikujua kumbe God had better plans for me. Imagine had I accepted the offer of going to kiganjo today ningekuwa karao.


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