Monday, June 21, 2021

Ken Lusaka Sued For Sh25M Child Support For Unborn Baby

A woman has dragged Senate Speaker Kenneth Makelo Lusaka to court demanding that he takes responsibility for their unborn child.

Through her lawyer Danstan Omari, the woman alleges that Ken Lusaka has refused to fulfill his obligation to support her by providing for her and the unborn child’s necessities.

In court documents, the woman claims that Lusaka, despite being a man of means, has refused, neglected and ignored to take care of her pre-natal clinics necessary to ensure the wellbeing of the unborn child.

She notes that the Speaker has absconded responsibility perhaps in the hope of stressing the applicant and causing a miscarriage of their unborn child.

The woman claims that she has been experiencing pregnancy complications that potentially threaten the life of their unborn child if unmitigated and largely because she is unable to financially meet the cost of the hospitals.

Lawyer Omari further notes that Lusaka has continually refused his association with her despite the fact that he is well aware that they have been having unprotected carnal knowledge together for years.

“Parties have been having a jolly intimate affair punctuated with several instances unprotected carnal knowledge since the year 2018 up until about two months ago (May 2021) when they disagreed strongly after the applicant disclosed that  as a consequence of their unprotected sexual encounters, she had conceived a child,” reads court papers.

“The cause of their disagreement was exacerbated by Lusaka’s insistence on terminating the pregnancy, a proposal that the applicant declined to accede to and now she is three months pregnant and counting since she discovered that she was expectant of Lusaka’s child as she has not been intimate with any other man other than the respondent, a fact that can be confirmed through a prenatal paternity test.”

The woman is seeking Ksh200,000 per month or an alternative lump sum amount of Ksh25 million if Ken Lusaka is unable to meet his monthly obligations.

Justice James Makau on Monday morning certified the matter as urgent and directed the woman to serve Lusaka.

The case will be heard on July 7.


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