Monday, June 21, 2021

Elizabeth Koki Murder: Kenya Seeks Help From Interpol

The identity and nationality of the prime suspect in the murder of lawyer Elizabeth Koki Musyoki has puzzled Kenyan authorities forcing them to contact the International Criminal Police Organization(Interpol).

The suspect, known by his aliases Christian Baledi Kadima and Eric Kambaye Katalayi, claims he is Congolese but he was caught with multiple travel documents with different names and nationalities.

Last week, the High court dismissed the suspect’s application to be released on bail saying his identity is not verifiable.

Justice David Kemei ruled that the suspect is a flight risk and his actual identity cannot be verified.

The court also found the accused has neither a fixed place of abode nor familiar ties in Kenya. His friends in Nairobi and Congolese Embassy officials whom he had said were willing to guarantee his bail steered clear of him.

“The pre-bail report indicated that the accused provided a list of his Kenyan friends but upon being contacted they shied away claiming that their properties might be sold off in the event the accused absconds court,” said Justice Kemei.

The judge also noted that although the accused claimed that the deceased Koki was his wife and he intended to formalise their union, the pre-bail report painted a picture of a person who is always on the move.

“The report indicated that the accused’s modus operandi was that he would befriend ladies whom he would cohabit with for short periods and then end the relationship and keep on changing residence while he was in Kenya,” the Judge observed.

The suspect was also said to come from a dysfunctional family since his father had separated from his mother.

The report indicated that the suspect’s father lives in the Democratic Republic of Congo, his mother resides in South Africa, and his siblings in other countries.

An investigating officer told the court that Kenyan authorities have forwarded details of the accused to Interpol for verification of his true identity and nationality.

The prosecution also said the accused is a fugitive from justice as there are claims that he is wanted in South Africa for assault.

“It can safely be concluded that the accused had different names on each of the passports for South Africa and The Democratic Republic of Congo. It is clear therefore that the identity of the accused has not been clarified and hence it would be unsafe to admit him on bond as there is a high likelihood that he might not turn up for his trial,” said the judge.

The accused will remain in remand until the murder trial is closed or the court issues further orders.


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