Tuesday, June 29, 2021

PHOTO: This Man Has Been Posing As A Woman To Rob Joggers in Lang’ata

Joggers who have been getting robbed along Lang’ata and Mbagathi roads can rest a bit easy after two suspects were arrested Monday morning.

According to the DCI, the middle-aged male suspects were preparing to commit a felony in Lang’ata area of Nairobi when police officers caught them.

As the story goes, the officers and the suspects had just passed by each other when one of the cops noticed something was amiss with the appearance of one of the suspects.

The officer turned back and ordered them to stop but the suspects defied the orders and took to their heels.

“Unbeknownst to the thugs, they had just encountered the lanky, young crime busters based at Langata Police Station, whose speed and proficiency in chasing after thugs is unsurpassed,” said the DCI.

The so-called lanky crime busters caught up with the suspects a few metres past the Mbagathi bridge. The officer’s earlier suspicions about the appearance of one of the suspects were vindicated as they discovered he was a man dressed as a woman.

The cross-dressing suspect – 24-year-old Peter Omweno Momanyi – was found with his tools of trade: a knife and a chain carefully concealed on his waist.

Police also recovered a machete from Momanyi’s accomplice, 25-year-old John Muchiri Kimani.

“Detectives based at Langata have established that the two are among suspects who waylay fitness enthusiasts who jog along Langata and Mbagathi roads, early in the morning and late in the evening,” DCI said.

Members of the public who lost valuables to the suspects are urged to report to Lang’ata Police Station.

source http://nairobiwire.com/2021/06/photo-this-man-has-been-posing-as-a-woman-to-rob-joggers-in-langata.html

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