Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Lawyers For Cops in Kianjokoma Brothers Murder Withdraw From Case

Lawyers representing six police officers implicated in the death of two brothers from Kianjokoma, Embu have withdrawn from the case.

The team of about 10 lawyers led by Dunstan Omari and Cliff Ombeta withdrew after the high court ruled that the officers should plead to the murder charges.

The lawyers wanted the plea deferred claiming the six police officers had contracted COVID-19 symptoms but Justice Daniel Ogembo dismissed the application and directed them to take a plea.

“Our instructions were to stop the plea, those instructions have been extinguished by the ruling of the court… as of now, the five are unrepresented. The defence team has withdrawn, it has no instructions,” Omari told the court.

The six officers; Benson Mbuthia, Consolata Kariuki, Nicholas Cheruiyot, Martin Wanyama, Lilian Chemuna and James Mwaniki asked the court to give them more time to get lawyers to represent them in the case.

The prosecution team led by Assistant DPP Jacinta Nyamosi asked the court to appoint state counsels to represent them in the matter.

The cops have been remanded at Industrial Area and Lang’ata women prisons pending their plea-taking session.


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