Tuesday, September 28, 2021

World-famous Youtuber Khalid Ali Ameri Speaks on Kenyan Experience

Khalid Al Ameri, a popular YouTuber from the United Arab Emirates, says he felt at home during his family’s visit to Kenya.

The vlogger, his wife Salama Mohamed and their two children arrived in the country in August and begun their adventure in Mombasa.

They also got to experience the world-famous game drive at the Masai Mara National Reserve.

Khalid and his family stayed at the Sarova Mara Game Camp, where he says their expectations were exceeded.

“The reason that they are called Game Drives is because whenever you are going out to try and see the animals in their habitat, it is a game of chance. What I loved about this trip is that we had expectations of what we were going to see. This exceeded every expectation we could have imagined in terms of the beauty, we got the opportunity to see so much,” he said.

Khalid Al Ameri experienced four of the Big Five in the wild – lion, leopard, elephant, and buffalo.

They also learned about the Ugly Five, the wildebeests, vultures, hyena, warthog, and the marabou stork.

The 37-year-old vlogger also got the opportunity to camp in the wild, sitting and watching a spectacular sunset before sitting around a bonfire.

During the bonfire, they were joined by an amazing troop of traditional Maasai dancers dressed in their iconic traditional shuka. They sang, danced, ate and enjoyed drinks.

“There is a saying in Kenya that says Karibu Nyumbani which means Welcome Home. And that is what my family and I have felt from the very second, we touched down this beautiful country,” he said.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/09/world-famous-youtuber-khalid-ali-ameri-speaks-on-kenyan-experience.html

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