Thursday, September 30, 2021

Nairobi Leads in New Infections as Kenya Records 260 Cases

The Ministry of Health announced 260 new COVID-19 infections on Thursday, from a sample size of 6,226 tested in the last 24 hours.

A statement from Health CS Mutahi Kagwe reported a positivity rate of 4.2 percent, pushing Kenya’s total of confirmed positive cases to 249,434 out of 2,556,222 tested. 

“From the cases 256 of them are Kenyans while 4 are foreigners. 140 males while 120 are females.”Kagwe said on Thursday. 

“The youngest is a one-year-old child while the oldest is 99 years.” 

Nairobi leads in the new infections, with 63 infections, Kajiado with 19, Kitui 16, Kiambu 15, and Nakuru 13. 

In the rest of the country, the new infections are distributed as follows: Uasin Gishu 11, Meru 11, Wajir 11, Bungoma 8, Garissa 6, Mombasa 6, Homa Bay 5, Kericho 5, Makueni 5, Nandi 5, Nyandarua 5, Bomet 4, Laikipia 4, Kirinyaga 4, Embu 4, Machakos 3, Kakamega 3, Kisumu 3, Murang’a 3, Tharaka Nithi 3, Samburu 3, West Pokot 3, Siaya 2, Busia 2, Isiolo 2, Taita Taveta 2, Turkana 2, Vihiga 2, Elgeyo Marakwet 1, Kilifi 1, Kisii 1, Migori 1, Narok 1, Nyeri 1 and Trans Nzoia 1.

A total of 1,021 patients are currently admitted in various health facilities countrywide, while 2,193 are under the Home-Based Isolation and Care program. 

“66 patients are in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), 45 of whom are on ventilatory support and 21 on supplemental oxygen. No patient is under observation,” the Health Ministry announced.

336 patients are separately on supplemental oxygen with 324 of them in general wards and 12 in High Dependency Units (HDU).

Total recoveries in the country rose to 241,520 on Thursday, following a report of 109 new recoveries. 

“78 are from the Home-Based Isolation and Care program while 31 are from various health facilities countrywide,” Kagwe added. 

At the same, four new fatalities were reported in the last 24 hours. The deaths were all late reports discovered after conducting facility record audits in the month of September 2021. 


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