Thursday, March 4, 2021

Boda boda Menace: MPs Set For Benchmarking Trip to Thailand

Members of the National Assembly’s Security and Administration Committee are gearing up for a benchmarking trip to Thailand on how to deal with the bodaboda menace in Kenya.

According to committee chairman and Kiambaa MP Paul Koinange, they chose Thailand because the country has managed to streamline its boda boda sector.

“My committee is planning to travel to Thailand to also learn more, benchmark about bodaboda because places like Thailand they have more motorbikes, ” Koinange said Thursday.

The MP also noted the government through the Interior and ICT ministries is rolling out a program to address increasing road safety challenges in the motorcycle public transport sector in Kenya.

The National Youth Service will conduct the March programme targeting 1.3 million operators. The agency will be training bodaboda riders on safety, discipline and hygiene.

“You may know how to ride but lack the patience and discipline on the road. NYS has a program that will impact skills of resilience, hygiene and being cautious on the road,” NYS Director-General Matilda Sakwa said.


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