Friday, March 26, 2021

DP Ruto Tells Off Rivals Plotting His Removal From Jubilee

Deputy President William Ruto is confident that a plan to remove him from the ruling Jubilee party will not succeed.

The DP on Thursday maintained that he is a Jubilee member and told off the party members want him out. Ruto likened them to Sanballat and Tobiah in the Bible who opposed and criticised Nehemiah for building the wall of Jerusalem.

“We have gossipers who are not using most of their time to think on things that will help the country to develop…even in the Bible when Nehemiah was constructing the wall of Jerusalem, there was a man called Tobiah who criticised their work, saying that the wall being constructed can’t sustain the weighed of a small fox,” Ruto said.

Adding: “We have Tobiahs in this politics as well, who are just saying stop doing this, chase this one, do this…let us kick this one out first.”

Ruto said the rivals who are pushing for his ouster don’t have the interests of Kenyans at heart.

“Most of the people who are making noises in Jubilee Party are the people who have never sought votes from the people, they have not appeared anywhere where we were planning on how to deliver our promises to Kenyans. Their main aim is just to create division,” he said.

At the same time, Ruto said he is prepared to exit the ruling Jubilee Party for the United Democratic Alliance (UDA).

“If it gets to a point where they do not want us to be there in Jubilee, then we must have a different plan. You cannot wait to hit a wall. Going forward, if there is no agreement, then we will plan ourselves with UDA. We have built UDA in partnership with Jubilee. It is not us starting afresh. We are just going on with what we already have,” he said.

“UDA and Jubilee are one. We have a coalition agreement with them and we have been working together.  If they break Jubilee, trying to make it a tribal party, we will build UDA as the national party we had hoped Jubilee will be,” he said.


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