Friday, March 26, 2021

Kenyans Made Me A Millionaire in 7 Hours, says TikTok Star Alvan Love Gatitu

TikTok sensation Alvan ‘Love’ Gatitu has narrated the moment his life changed from rock bottom to a millionaire in a matter of hours.

Speaking in an interview on Jessy Junction, the former Tusker Project Fame contestant narrated how he was locked out of his house over 3-month rent arrears.

“…Nikashindwa kulipa rent and push came to shove and the landlord did not want to hear a thing anymore. I remember his words:  “You are just here begging and scratching for bread”…and it’s a pandemic, things have gone down and you know you are not lazy, you know you have worked hard, sleepless nights trying to make ends meet… so I became absolutely broke. You look like you are doing fine coz of the angles you choose to shoot your Tik Tok with plus filters,” recounted Alvan.

With nowhere to turn to, a security guard identified as Wafula Kizito offered Gatitu a place to spend the night. He also took a video narrating his predicament and shared it on social media, before the floodgates of money opened.

“So I had to get real, and recorded myself pale kwa Soja…so I put it on Facebook and minutes late I receive a call from a Tom ..and he says he is sending me something… so between 8 AM and 3 PM, I had been sent 1.4 million into my account by Kenyans. They were like huwezi kuwa unatuchekeshanga hivo na unalala nje…mpaka wanaanza kunipigia kelele, toa hizo pesa kwa Mpesa we are sending you more. When God makes it rain, it pours,” explained the singer.

He would go on to receive about Sh 2.5 million from wellwishers, most of which he invested.

“So I went and sank three-quarter of that money in a long-term investment. And one lesson I got from there is be real. Be yourself wacha maringo,” he advised.

The Trace FM presenter also used part of the cash to transform the life of the security guard who helped him.

“I asked him, ‘do you know what happened to me after that?’ akasema ‘hapana’.

I said ‘sasa I want you to tell me your biggest immediate need right now. Ile kitu unaotanga unaweza taka kufanyiwa na mtu, usikie uko sawa’.

Wafula said ‘naweza taka kuwa na pikipiki yangu niingize Uber eats alafu naweza taka kufunga hardware ya chuma'”

“So I let him imagine…so after listing all he wanted. We went to Car and General bought him a new motorbike with 1-year insurance. Went opened a cooperative account for him, transferred enough money for him to go open a workshop, buy all the machines za kuchomelea. The wife wanted a shoe shop and an M-Pesa in Kakamega…I have been there to see him twice. Hata hii ingine tulienda na Professor Harmo. He is a businessman now.”


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