Sunday, January 10, 2021

Student Who Butchered His Family In Kiambu Was “Motivated By ‘Killing Eve’ Assassin Villanelle”

More staggering details on the coldblooded murder of four family members in Karura area, Kiambu county have emerged indicating that the prime suspect confessed to having been inspired by the hit TV show ‘Killing Eve’.

While confessing to killing his family and their farmhand, Lawrence Simon Warunge gave a spine-chilling and detailed account that would put Villanelle, a fictional character in “Killing Eve’, to shame.

In Season 3 of ‘Killing Eve’, the psychopathic assassin kills her emotionally abusive mother. After killing her mother, she burned down her house with her mother’s husband and two other family members inside, killing them as well.

While Villanelle did spare her two brothers, Lawrence Warunge was intent on wiping out his entire family. He told detectives that he initially planned to kill everyone including his two surviving sisters who, fortunately, had returned to school when Warunge butchered his father, mother, brother, cousin, and a handyman on Tuesday, January 5.

Suspect Searched Online On Best Way To Commit Murder

The suspect also claimed that prior to killing the five, he had “googled” how to best execute the heinous crime. Lawrence Warunge decided to use a metal rod and a 9-inch kitchen knife as his murder weapons; he would strike his victims on the head with the bar, stab them multiple times on the chest before slitting their throats.

“He first hit them on the head using a metal bar and immediately on becoming unconscious, he could stab the chest several times on each of the victims in order to damage respiratory organs,” said a detective privy to Warunge’s statement.

A police report shows that Warunge killed the handyman, James Kariuki, first. The deceased lived a few meters from the main house.

“He said that he then opened their gate, went and killed the mother and two children,” said a detective who sought anonymity.

After killing his mother Anne Wanjiku in the kitchen, Warunge attacked his 12-year-old brother who was responding to his mother’s cries.

‘Killed His Father Like A Snake’

The suspect then pounced on his father, Nicholas Waruinge, who hat tried to escape the ordeal by jumping off the balcony of the five-bedroomed house.

“He says the father was hit by an electric cable as he ran away and jumped off the balcony and was indisposed further after he fractured a leg. This gave him time to catch up with him and killed him like a snake,” said an officer as quoted by the Star.

Shockingly, the body of Warunge’s father had 34 stab wounds.

The second-year IT student then killed his 13-year-old cousin Maxwell Njenga who was hiding under the bed. Warunge reportedly told police that he stabbed the minor despite the helpless child kneeling and pleading for mercy.

Lawrence claimed that he killed the victims by himself but police said there is a possibility there were other suspects.

Fled To Mai- Mahiu

After he murdered the five at about 8 pm, Warunge changed his blood-soaked clothes, took the murder weapons, his parents’ phones and shoes, and fled to Njikase village in Mai-Mahiu where he had rented a board with his girlfriend Sarah Muthoni, who was also arrested.

On Saturday, Warunge led detectives to the spot where he disposed of the murder weapons and other key exhibits at a pit latrine in Mai Mahiu.

Detectives intend to seek custodial orders for Warunge and his girlfriend on Monday, January 11 as they seek to establish the motive behind the homicide. Autopsies will also be conducted today.

Warunge described his parents to police as “satanic and killers” as it emerged that the family was plagued by past murder incidents in which four family members were killed in unclear circumstances.

“There was an incident which involved Alan Njire Waruinge in 2016 who was a victim after being shot twice after being confined in a wheelchair. And there was Kenneth Mungai Waruinge who was assassinated alongside with his niece thereafter. Kinyanjui Kamau, a family member was also killed in unclear circumstances,” said Kiambu police boss Ali Nuno.


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