Thursday, January 28, 2021

Oparanya to Raila: Your Time Is Up. Support Me So I Can Beat Ruto

Kakamega County governor Wycliffe Oparanya has called on Raila Odinga to abandon his presidential ambitions and support him instead.

According to Oparanya, the ODM leader has been been in politics for a long time and it is time for him to pass the mantle. And who better to pass it to than the only leader from the Luyha community who has supported Odinga throughout his long political career.

“When I joined the parliament in 2002, Raila was there, and I have been with him all through. I was also part of the team that formed ODM,” said Oparanya.

The Council of Governors (CoG) chairperson also noted that helped Raila gain a lot of votes in 2013 and 2017. As such, Oparanya described himself as Raila’s eldest child.

“It is now time for him to support me as his eldest child. I know that if he supports me, I will be able to defeat Ruto with a big margin,” Oparanya said.

When asked if he would seek backing from other Luhya leaders such as Wetang’ula and Mudavadi, Oparanya said he does not intend to do so because he does not want to owe anyone anything.


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