Thursday, January 21, 2021

KCPE Candidate Takes Own Life After Father Fails To Buy Him New Phone

Tragedy has struck a family in Kasibos village in Homa Bay after a Class 8 pupil reportedly killed himself on Wednesday night over a mobile phone.

The KCPE candidate was found dead behind his parents’ house hours after his father delayed in buying him a new mobile phone. The boy’s father had taken the boy’s phone a month ago to use temporarily because his was faulty. He is said to have promised his 17-year-old son a new phone.

According to reports, the father was supposed to have bought a new phone by Wednesday.

“His father promised to buy him a new phone but he had not bought it. He had given the father his phone one month ago. We suspect that is why he committed suicide,” area chief Michael Owino said.

Confirming the incident, Rachuonyo North Sub-county police commander Sara Chumo said the learner did not leave behind a suicide note.

“We are waiting for a post-mortem report to make us understand what actually caused the death. Meanwhile, investigations are going on regarding the matter,” Chumo said.

The body was moved to Kendu Adventist Hospital Mortuary for postmortem


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