Thursday, December 17, 2020

Nyamira Governor Nyagarama Dies of COVID-19

NyagaramaNyamira Governor John Nyagarama died Friday morning, becoming the latest high profile Kenyan to succumb to Covid complications.

Nyagarama died at Nairobi Hospital ICU, where he had been admitted for more than 3 weeks. His family said that he had breathing problems after his lungs collapsed.

The politician was 74 years old, part of the worst hit demographic by the global pandemic.

Nyagarama was thought to be improving and doctors even recommended to have him moved from the Covid ICU to the normal ICU. But things worsened on Sunday forcing doctors to put him on life support. His family was informed of his deteriorating condition and called in on Monday.

By this time, word was already going round on social media that he may have already passed, but Nyamira county secretary James Ntabo on Tuesday rubbished the claims saying the governor was still being treated.

“Governor John Nyagarama is recuperating well. Let the media, including users of social media, learn to practice responsible journalism. They should be fair to the family and friends of the governor, including the employees of the county government, and pray for his quick recovery,” Ntabo said in a statement.

Nyagarama was a former long-serving Kenya Tea Development Authority director. He was currently serving his second term as governor.

He was also a big proponent of BBI.


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