Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Mombasa Woman Who Boiled Stones Moves Into New House

Peninah Bahati Kitsao, a woman from Mombasa who made national news for boiling stones on the pretext of cooking food for her starving children, is officially a landlady.

The widowed mother of eight moved into her newly constructed house in Kisauni on Tuesday. An elated Kitsao thanked Kenyan wellwishers who came to her rescue after her plight was highlighted back in April.

“Wakenya nashukuru mumenisaidia sana mahali nilikuwa, nilikuwa mahali pa shida lakini saa hizi ukiingia kwangu unatamani ulale hapo.

“Nashukuru, mawe imebadilika nyumba. Nashukuru Mungu amenitoa kwa mawe sasa niko kwa raha. Watoto wangu sahii kula wanakula vizuri yaani wamekuwa kama watoto wengine,” she said.

Ms Kitsao, who lost her husband in 2019 following an attack by thugs, said she would rent out three of the rooms in the house as well as pursue businesses to earn a living.

Also Read: Relatives of Widow Who Boiled Stones “have been trying to steal her money”


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