Monday, December 14, 2020

Car Importers Have Until New Year’s Eve To Clear 2013 Vehicles

Car traders have until December 31, 2020, to import vehicles registered in 2013, the Kenya Bureau of Standards(KEBS) has announced.

KEBS Managing Director Bernard Njiraini on Monday said the Certificate of Roadworthiness issued for vehicles whose year of first registration is 2013 will not be valid in the new year.

“All vehicles issued with such certificates must arrive at the Port of Destination/Entry by December 31, 2020,” Njiraini said.

The KEBS MD maintained that vehicles arriving at the port of destination past the given timeline will be rejected at the expense of the importer.

This comes as used car importers pleaded with the government to extend the deadline.

In a statement on Monday, Njiraini said importers of used/secondhand motor vehicles, including returning residents, diplomatic staff, and the general public that only Right-Hand Drive (RHD) whose first year of registration is from January 1, 2014, and later shall be allowed into the country from January 1, 2021.

KEBS further noted that vehicles exported to Kenya must comply with KS1515:2000, while vehicles from countries where Kebs has an inspection agency shall be accompanied with a Certificate of Roadworthiness issued by the agency.


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