Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Tafuta Rika Yako!!! Uhuru Lectures Men Who Prey on Schoolgirls – WATCH

President Uhuru Kenyatta made an impassioned plea to the Kenyan public to play its role in protecting schoolgoing children from sexual abuse.

Speaking in Nakuru, where he led the nation in marking this year’s World AIDS Day on Wednesday, President Kenyatta decried the rising cases of teenage pregnancies in the country.

He strongly condemned child molesters who prey on young girls terming them a threat to the country’s future well-being.

Uhuru lectured such men saying they should be ashamed of themselves for ruining the lives of young girls.

“Ni aibu sana kwa sisi wazee na viongozi kuskia watoto wetu wakilia kwa sababu ya tabia zetu. Ni aibu kubwa. Ni vizuri tuanze kuambiana ukweli, kwa sababu sio watoto wanajiharibu, ni sisi wazee tunaharibu watoto,” said Kenyatta.

“Wewe kama mzee unatembea na mtoto mdogo hata kuliko msichana wako, alafu ujiite mwanaume, wewe ni mwanaume wa saa ngapi? Si uende utafute mwenzako kama umechokeshwa na yule uko naye nyumbani? Enda utafute rika yako uwachane na watoto jameni!” he added.

President Kenyatta further urged the wives of child molesters to shame their husbands publicly.

“Ukijua uko na mzee ana hizo tabia, muweke kwa soko umuanike hapo mbele ya watu wamuangalie, hiyo aibu ndiyo itafanya aache hiyo tabia,” Uhuru said, adding that the fight against sexual abuse should not be left to authorities.

“Hata tukisema atakaye shikwa afungwe, hiyo haitasaidia. Ile itasaidia ni sisi tubadilishe tabia zetu,” Uhuru said.

Watch Uhuru’s full remarks in the video below.


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