Thursday, September 30, 2021

First Lady Margaret Kenyatta Calls For Protection Of Children From Harmful Online Content

First Lady Margaret Kenyatta has advocated for enhanced protection of children and the youth from harmful online content that exposes them to vices such as cyberbullying, addiction, racism, sexual harassment, and online fraud.

“These are risks and challenges that will require our concerted efforts through advocacy, raising of awareness and regulation to protect consumers, especially children, the youth and vulnerable communities,” the First Lady said.

At the same time, the First Lady acknowledged the vast and growing importance of online platforms in service delivery especially during the current restrictive Covid-19 pandemic.

First Lady Margaret Kenyatta spoke on Thursday at the Communications Authority of Kenya office complex in Nairobi County where she presided over the launch of the second phase of the National Child Online Protection (COP) campaign dubbed, “Huwezi Tucheza: Tuko Cyber -Smart”.

The multimedia campaign seeks to inform and empower children and the youth with skills and information on how to use internet in a productive manner as well as enable them to stay safe online.

First Lady Margaret Kenyatta commended the Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs, and the Communications Authority of Kenya for demonstrating commitment to their roles as regulators by protecting Kenyans from harmful content.

She expressed optimism that the advocacy campaign will empower the youth to be able to make better online choices thereby developing them into upright and productive citizens.

“This new focus intends to provide our children with the knowledge that will protect them against increasing exposure to the risks and vulnerabilities in the cyberspace,” the First Lady said.

Speaking at the launch, Chief Justice Martha Koome urged all relevant players in the legislative process to hasten the enactment of the proposed Children’s Bill 2021, saying it has important clauses on the protection of children against online exploitation.

“This was not in the Children’s Act because it was not a reality in 2001 when the children’s Act was enacted. Therefore it is necessary for us to move with speed and enact the Children’s Bill 2021,” the Chief Justice said.

She thanked the First Lady for being an ardent champion and defender of children rights and welfare.

ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs Cabinet Secretary Joe Mucheru assured the First Lady of his ministry’s commitment to tame runaway societal moral decline brought about by the internet particularly its negative impact on children.

“Technology can be a good servant but it is an especially bad master. Let us tame technology so that we can use it for the good of society, so that it becomes our servant and not our master,” CS Mucheru said.

Other speakers included Information and Broadcasting Principal Secretary Esther Koimett, Communications Authority of Kenya Chairman Kembi Gitura and Acting Director-General Mercy Wanjau.


Varsity Student Stabbed to Death by Estranged Boyfriend

Police in Laikipia have opened investigations into the gruesome death of a university student who was reportedly stabbed to death by her estranged boyfriend on Wednesday.

The victim, only identified as Mercy, was a first-year student at Laikipia University.

Witnesses at the girl’s hostel in Karuga village, Nyahururu Sub County said the suspect had been frequenting her house in the recent past before they parted ways.

The neighbours said the couple constantly quarreled when they were together.

On Wednesday, the same neighbours said they heard screams coming from the girl’s hostel.

The suspect is said to have broken into her house and attacked her. The witnesses who responded found the suspect had locked himself inside the house.

Upon breaking down the door, they found the girl on the ground writhing in pain.

The suspect had also tried to take his own life, stabbing himself in the neck and abdomen.

One witness named Amos Kinuthia said well-wishers tried to rush the student to the hospital but she succumbed to the stab wounds along the way.

“We found the girl who was unconscious and rushed her to hospital but she died on the way,” Kinuthia said.

“Everything happened very fast, and we were not able to save her despite our efforts,” said another Laikipia University student, James Kimaiga.

An irate mob pounced on the suspect but police officers responded in time to save him. They also rushed the suspect to Nyahururu County Referral hospital where he is reported to be in stable condition.

The body of the deceased was moved to Hospital’s morgue.

The caretaker of the hostel said the suspect had been banned from accessing the rooms after a lady who is a friend to the deceased reported that the man had tried to force himself on her.

The said incident forced the girlfriend to cut off communications with the suspect, a move police believe led to the murder.


As We Start a New Month, This is What’s Trending on Social Media

Today we enter the final quarter of the year 2021, and boy, how fast did that year move. It’s also a weekend, and this is what’s trending today.


Youth Fund Looter Fined Sh720 MILLION or 27 Years in Prison

An anti-corruption court has sentenced businessman Mukuria Ngamau to 27 years in jail for defrauding the Youth Enterprise Development Fund of Sh180 million.

Milimani Chief Magistrate Douglas Ogoti gave him the alternative of paying a Sh720 million fine failure to which he will serve the 27 years behind bars.

Magistrate Ogoti found Ngamau and his firm – Quorandum Limited –  guilty and convicted them in five counts of conspiracy to commit an economic crime, unlawful acquisition of public property and making false documents.

The Director of Quorandum Limited has been found guilty that between diverse dates between November 17, 2014 and May 4, 2015 within Nairobi county jointly with his company conspired to commit an economic crime namely disposal of public property through lawful payment of Sh 180,364,789 from the youth enterprises Development fund to his company for services not rendered.

The magistrate further ordered the firm to compensate the fund Sh180 million, being the amount that was lost.

Ogoti dismissed the businessman’s request for a non-custodial sentence saying that the sentence is dictated by Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes.

Ngamau had been charged alongside his wife Doreen Waithera who was acquitted from the case after she entered into a plea bargaining with the State.

Ngamau’s co-accused in the case Bruce Odhiambo – then chairman of the fund, and Catherine Namuye Akelo – then CEO, have since passed away.

The magistrate sentenced Ngamau to seven years in jail for conspiracy to commit an economic crime contrary to the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act No. 3 of 2003.

The Sh720 million fine comprises a mandatory fine of Sh442 million for unlawful acquisition of public property contrary to the law.

Ngamau and Quorandum Limited have also been slapped with a mandatory fine of Sh258 million for unlawful acquisition of public property.

He was also jailed three years after being convicted of making false documents contrary to the Penal Code.


“Enjoy the Sympathy…” Cate Waruguru Now Tells Moses Kuria

Political leaders Moses Kuria and Catherine Waruguru have proved that there is still no love lost between them after exchanging messages through social media.

It started with the Gatundu South MP exposing the Laikipia Woman Representative for wishing him bad luck as he recovers in hospital.

Kuria shared a screenshot of a WhatsApp message from Waruguru that read: “You’ll know no peace … here on earth.”

Moses Kuria ironically responded: “Amen”.

The controversial lawmaker went on to state that he would pray for Waruguru.

“Thank you Hon Catherine Waruguru. May God not hear your prayers. But I will pray for you my condition notwithstanding,” wrote Kuria.

In a quick rejoinder, Cate Waruguru told Moses Kuria to enjoy the sympathy he was getting as Deputy President William Ruto visited him in hospital on Wednesday.

Waruguru also disclosed that Moses Kuria ended up in hospital after burning his foot in a warmer machine.

“Hon. Moses Kuria now I know hospital bed has humbled you to prayers and not insults. I’m sorry your feet deep-fried and burnt. Whoever bought that warmer machine without a proper doctor’s prescription will tell us why your nerves failed you.

The woman rep added: “Anyway Mutha polite reminder when you insult us women with our infant children and dead parents…Tunakuwanga human beings too. Enjoy the sympathy for now. You carry the trophy ” most insensitive leader”, Quick healing in your 2nd surgery/ grafting.”

The tiff between the two started in June last year when Kuria alleged that Waruguru had cheated on her husband.

Kuria made the sensational claims after Waruguru hit out at Ruto’s Tanga Tanga outfit during an interview on a popular Kikuyu television show.


AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Shows 74% Efficacy in U.S. Trial

By Reuters

AstraZeneca Plc’s (AZN.L) COVID-19 vaccine demonstrated 74% efficacy at preventing symptomatic disease, a figure that increased to 83.5% in people aged 65 and older, according to long-awaited results of the company’s U.S. clinical trial published on Wednesday.

Overall efficacy of 74% was lower than the interim 79% figure reported by the British drugmaker in March, a result AstraZeneca revised days later to 76% after a rare public rebuke from health officials that the figure was based on “outdated information.” read more

The data looked at more than 26,000 volunteers in the United States, Chile and Peru, who received two doses of the vaccine spaced about a month apart. The results were published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

There were no cases of severe or critical symptomatic COVID-19 among the more than 17,600 participants who got the vaccine, compared with 8 such cases among the 8,500 volunteers who got the placebo. There were also two deaths in the placebo group but none among those who received the vaccine.

“I was pleasantly surprised,” Dr. Anna Durbin, a vaccine researcher at Johns Hopkins University and one of the study’s investigators, said of the overall result. “It was also highly protective against severe disease and hospitalization,” she said.

There were no cases of a rare but serious blood clotting side effect called thrombosis with thrombocytopenia that has been linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine developed with Oxford University researchers.

AstraZeneca said in late July it planned to file for full approval with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, rather than seek emergency use authorization. Chief Executive Pascal Soriot told a media briefing at the time he hoped the vaccine could still play a role in the United States, even though the process was taking longer than expected.

The company is exploring booster doses for people who have already been vaccinated with two doses of either its own shot or mRNA-based vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech (PFE.N), or Moderna (MRNA.O). read more

The vaccine, known as Vaxzevria, is authorized for use in more than 170 countries. A spokesperson said the company expects to file for U.S. approval later this year.

Durbin said she does not expect Vaxzevria to be used much in the United States, but securing FDA approval “does give them gravitas.”


Isaac Mwaura’s Wife, Nelius Mukami, Speaks on Battling Depression, Anxiety and ADHD

The wife of Nominated Senator Isaac Mwaura has gone public about her battle with Depression, Anxiety and ADHD(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).

In a candid post on social media on Thursday, Nelius Mukami Rwamba said living with the conditions is one of the hardest things she has had to deal with.

“My Name is Nelius Mukami and Depression is the most expensive thing I own!

Living with Depression, Anxiety and ADHD is one of the hardest things I have had to do in my life. It has taken a lot from me and it continues taking. It takes so much effort just to avoid it and it still finds me even in my happiest of days and in my solitude.” she wrote.

Nelius said on some days she struggles to get out of bed or even function.

“Somedays even finding the strength to wake up in the morning and be functional is difficult but nobody understands that it takes everything in me just to drag myself out of bed.

“Depression continues to rob me of experiences, memories and people. I try not to allow it to overcome me but it still finds a way in. Coupled with Pain and Trauma, Depression continues to be the most expensive thing I own. I find myself feeling broken and unworthy. I have lost so many parts of myself sometimes I stare in the mirror and I cannot recognise who I am anymore,” she added.

Mukami also regretted that is not able to pursue her passion not follow her dreams.

“I have big dreams and big plans and great ambition but I am always hesitant to publish an article, Post a YouTube Video, or even a simple photo. My Anxiety always manages to convince me that the work is not good enough and that I am not Good Enough, It tells me that people will see me as a fraud and realise I am not as good as I think. I do not feeling worthy of the compliments and the achievements.

“It has taken me a lot of strength and courage just to write and share this post. My Mental Health journey has been a huge rollercoaster and very hard to explain because not many will understand. People think its a state of mind that you can just shake off with enough motivation but it is not ….atleast not for me.

“Everyday that I live am grateful, every day that I get out of bed and take a shower even leave the house is a great win for me. I know deep down that I am not broken and I am worthy. I know there is still so much for me to conquer. I have spent so much time Grieving the person I was and forgotten to be grateful for the woman am becoming. I am a work in progress,” she wrote.


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Uhuru Bids Farewell To Cuban Envoy, Meets Ex-British PM Tony Blair

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Thursday at State House, Nairobi bade farewell to Cuban Ambassador to Kenya Ernesto Gomez Diaz whose tour of duty has come to an end.

Speaking during the brief event, President Kenyatta commended Ambassador Diaz for the deepening relations between Kenya and Cuba especially in the health sector.

“It was a great pleasure to have had you here. You have done a lot to strengthen ties between our countries. It is through your efforts that every Kenyan knows about Cuba because of the Cuban doctors,” President Kenyatta said.

He added: “We have done well in the health sector and we can do so in sports and other fields of human development”.

The Head of State assured the outgoing envoy of Kenya’s continued partnership with Cuba on the global stage especially in the campaign for the lifting of international sanctions against the island nation.

“Equally be assured of our commitment for Cuba in all international fora. Bilateral and multilateral relations are key to us as we work towards the lifting of sanctions,” the President said.

On his part Ambassador Diaz expressed gratitude to the Government for the support he received during his tenure and assured the President of Cuba’s deep commitment to the expansion of bilateral ties between the two nations.

He said his country will continue to offer training to Kenyan doctors pointing out that Cuban malaria experts had already arrived in Kenya, and thanked President Kenyatta for playing a crucial role in efforts aimed at lifting sanctions against Cuba.

“We will continue with the exchange of doctors, and also appreciate your efforts towards the lifting of sanctions against Cuba,” Ambassador Diaz said.

Separately, also at State House, Nairobi, President Kenyatta held talks with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair who paid him a courtesy call.



Nairobi Leads in New Infections as Kenya Records 260 Cases

The Ministry of Health announced 260 new COVID-19 infections on Thursday, from a sample size of 6,226 tested in the last 24 hours.

A statement from Health CS Mutahi Kagwe reported a positivity rate of 4.2 percent, pushing Kenya’s total of confirmed positive cases to 249,434 out of 2,556,222 tested. 

“From the cases 256 of them are Kenyans while 4 are foreigners. 140 males while 120 are females.”Kagwe said on Thursday. 

“The youngest is a one-year-old child while the oldest is 99 years.” 

Nairobi leads in the new infections, with 63 infections, Kajiado with 19, Kitui 16, Kiambu 15, and Nakuru 13. 

In the rest of the country, the new infections are distributed as follows: Uasin Gishu 11, Meru 11, Wajir 11, Bungoma 8, Garissa 6, Mombasa 6, Homa Bay 5, Kericho 5, Makueni 5, Nandi 5, Nyandarua 5, Bomet 4, Laikipia 4, Kirinyaga 4, Embu 4, Machakos 3, Kakamega 3, Kisumu 3, Murang’a 3, Tharaka Nithi 3, Samburu 3, West Pokot 3, Siaya 2, Busia 2, Isiolo 2, Taita Taveta 2, Turkana 2, Vihiga 2, Elgeyo Marakwet 1, Kilifi 1, Kisii 1, Migori 1, Narok 1, Nyeri 1 and Trans Nzoia 1.

A total of 1,021 patients are currently admitted in various health facilities countrywide, while 2,193 are under the Home-Based Isolation and Care program. 

“66 patients are in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), 45 of whom are on ventilatory support and 21 on supplemental oxygen. No patient is under observation,” the Health Ministry announced.

336 patients are separately on supplemental oxygen with 324 of them in general wards and 12 in High Dependency Units (HDU).

Total recoveries in the country rose to 241,520 on Thursday, following a report of 109 new recoveries. 

“78 are from the Home-Based Isolation and Care program while 31 are from various health facilities countrywide,” Kagwe added. 

At the same, four new fatalities were reported in the last 24 hours. The deaths were all late reports discovered after conducting facility record audits in the month of September 2021. 


Andrew Kibe Hits Back at “small boy” Eric Omondi

Andrew Kibe has described Eric Omondi as a small boy, further escalating the pair’s war of words on social media.

The tiff between the two started when Kibe slammed the comedian for crossdressing in his video content while endorsing the billionaire Jimmy Wanjigi for president.

“Eric I’m talking to you man. Nilimwona amefanya video juzi, amejivaa kaa dem, amepaka mpaka make-up, selling a political candidate. Nikajiuliza why? I don’t have to dress like women to talk to women… Women respond to men… ID yako imeandikwaje? Ama ni Erica… You need to change your ways. Ukona tabia za kidem sasa wewe. Na since ukona tabia za kidem lazima tukuambie sasa. Sit your f*kin a$$ bro. Stop that bullsh*t. What are you teaching our kids?” Kibe shouted.

Eric Omondi later responded, sending Kibe a bizarre warning about sleeping with his cousins and licking his nipples.

“Wewe Kife this is your FIRST and LAST WARNING!!! Ukiendelea nitatafuta ma Siater zako na Cousins wako niwa D*NYE alafu nikuje hapo America nikulambe shingo na hizo nip*les zako IDIOT!!!!” said Omondi.

He followed it up with claims that Andrew Kibe is being bankrolled by an older woman in the US.

“Andrew Kibe lives in a woman’s house in America and sleeps in a woman’s bed. She is called Judith and she is 57-years-old.

“Mtu amewekwa na mumama has no moral authority to address anyone. Arudi Kenya afanye kazi kama wanaume wengine! Kenyans need to help Kibe. Hana mbele wala nyuma. We have done our investigations,” Omondi averred.

Then in an Instagram Live with Belgium-based Kenyan digital influencer Chinese Kikie, Kibe was asked to respond to Omondi’s allegations.

He said: “Just the other day he (Eric Omondi) was a small boy swimming naked, now he’s talking to men.

Kibe went on to claim that he prefers his women young and still in campus.

“At 45, ata dem wa 30 ni mzee…mimi nikiona dem ako 30 akiniongelesha, I ask her why…what do you think you’re coming to get here,” Kibe said.

Kikie then posed: “So what is your minimum and maximum age of women you date/marry?”

To which the Rogue radio founder responded: “I don’t date or marry. Mimi hubomoa madem wako campus, past campus wewe ni mzee.”


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Jowie Called Me at 2 AM To Ask If I Had Paraffin, Witness Testifies

The cross-examination of witnesses in the Monica Kimani murder trial of Joseph Irungu alias Jowie and Jacque Maribe continued Wednesday, with a neighbour of the accused taking the stand.

Brian Kasaine Spira told Justice Grace Nzioka that he knew Jowie as his neighbour at Royal Park and as someone who was working as undercover security personnel.

Kasaine testified that Jowie also told him that he once worked in a Dubai private Military.

“He later informed me that while in Kenya, he used to be guard politicians including Senator Joyce Lay and MP Babu Owino. I have also seen him severally in the company of John Muhoho(son of President Uhuru’s uncle George Muhoho),” Brian said.

Jacque Maribe, John Muhoho and Jowie Irungu

The witness recalled that in July 2018, Joseph Irungu went to his residence and found a pistol holster which he later borrowed after informing him he was also a licenced gun holder.

He said Jowie borrowed the gun under the pretext of perfecting his skills in firearm stripping and assembling as well as close door combat.

“Since I knew he was an undercover officer, I agreed and gave him my pistol which he kept for two days before returning it saying he had cleaned it for me,” he told the court.

Brian added that Jowie borrowed the firearm again on September 9, 2018, but this time, he kept it for a longer time since Brian had traveled upcountry.

The said gun is the one that Jowie shot himself with.

He also recalled the events of September 20, 2018, the day that police believe Jowie tried to destroy evidence.

Brian claimed that Jowie gave him a WhatsApp call at around 2:00 am to ask if he had paraffin or anything flammable like air refresher in the house.

“I was asleep with my wife when his call woke me up. He enquired if I had paraffin in my house. I asked him why he needed the paraffin, and he said there were things he wanted to burn. I, thereafter, told him that I did not have the flammable substance,” said Kasaine.

“I got surprised at such request of those items by him such late hours,” he disclosed.

At around 3:00 pm later that day, he met Jowie along the corridors on his way to Maribe’s House.

“I wanted to borrow their car keys so that I could go and pick up my son from school. He(Jowie) was wearing a white vest, grey sweat pants. He was in deep thought and distracted,” he said.

Kasaine said he “jokingly” asked Jowie why he was looking for paraffin in the middle of the night.

“Jowie replied, ‘tulikuwa job fulani na Muhoho na nikama alidunga mtu kisu’ (I was with Muhoho yesterday for an assignment and it’s like he stabbed somebody),” Brian said.

He claims Jowie also said: “nilitaka kuchoma vitu fulani lakini nilitumia air freshener,” while pointing towards the empty plot across their house.

Brian Kasaine also recounted the events of the night that Jowie shot himself.

It was around 1.00 am on September 21, 2018, when he heard his gate shaking while asleep with someone screaming in agony.

He dashed out to find Jowie lying on the ground bleeding and writhing in pain.

“He was bleeding from the upper part of his arm; near the chest. His fiancée, Maribe, was standing near him and had her phone in her hands. Maribe told me Jowie had shot himself,” said the witness.

The witness also mentioned that Jowie was accusing Maribe of evicting him from her house.

“He (Jowie) told her: ‘you want me out of your house? It is fine! Bury me in Lang’ata when I die’. He, thereafter, went silent. Maribe stood there quietly watching him.”

Kasaine said Jowie told him to access Maribe’s house and ‘secure the weapon’. He saw several bullets scattered on the floor and found out that it was the pistol that Jowie had borrowed.

“On entering the house, I saw a blood trail leading to the master bedroom. In the room, there were bullets scattered on the floor and a firearm. Upon checking the firearm, I realised it was mine,” said Kasaine.

He later rushed Jowie to Nairobi West Hospital in the company of Jacque Maribe and his wife.


PHOTOS – Uhuru Commissions Two Hospitals In Kibera

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Wednesday evening commissioned two hospitals in Kibera informal settlements as part of the ongoing national Government program to expand access to healthcare by Nairobi City residents.

Speaking to area residents who turned out to welcome him, the President who was accompanied by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, said the new Kibra and Undugu Highrise health facilities would help decongest Mbagathi and Kenyatta National hospitals.

He said the hospitals, developed by the Nairobi Metropolitan Service (NMS), are part of the ongoing roll out of the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) component of the Big 4 development agenda.

“We move forward towards achieving universal healthcare for all. A universal healthcare as we now call it UHC is one of the four key national development targets with an aspiration that all persons in Kenya will be able to access quality and affordable essential services that they need for their health and wellbeing through a single unified benefit package without the risk of financial catastrophe,” the President said.

The Head of State said that despite Nairobi being the country’s capital, with a population of almost five million people, over 40 percent of residents rely on the Kenyatta National Hospital as their primary healthcare provider, and regretted that lack of adequate health facilities had led to a high disease burden and mortality rates.

As part of the Government’s march towards the attainment of UHC in Nairobi, the President said NMS had completed 13 hospitals out of the 28 hospitals being constructed across the city’s 17 subcounties, largely located in informal settlements and under-served neighborhoods.

“This program has now expanded to target the construction of 28 new hospitals and the expansion as well as the rehabilitation of four more hospitals across the county.

“We have so far commissioned a total of 13 hospitals, the first being in Uthiru Level three hospital which we commissioned in February 2021,” the President said.

The Head of State, who also launched a fleet of ambulances that will enhance delivery of emergency healthcare in the populous Kibera informal settlement, pointed out the new health facilities are a proof of his commitment to improving the lives of Kenyans, reiterating that he had no time for empty political rhetoric.

“I told you that I will not be wasting time talking, but you will see my response to issues through actions,” the President, who was also accompanied by NMS Director General Mohamed Badi, said.

Once again, the President called for unity of purpose among Kenyans noting that since his ‘handshake’ with former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, the country had continued to enjoy tranquility that has enabled accelerated roll out of development projects across the nation.

On his part, Hon Raila said the unveiling of the new health facilities was a timely intervention, noting that the hospitals will offer quality and affordable healthcare to residents of Kibera.

The opposition leader commended President Kenyatta for his development record saying, “we have seen alot of development projects taking place and we appreciate”.

The President who inspected several infrastructural projects within Kibera also launched the rehabilitation Uhuru Park, a project that will see the public park transformed into a modern recreational facility equipped with art studios, green areas and other social amenities.


All The Trending Memes and Tweets This Thursday

On this last day of September, this is what’s trending on social media.


Date Set for Test Runs on Nairobi Expressway

The Nairobi Expressway is 64 percent complete, with the government set to conduct test runs in March next year.

Transport CS James Macharia announced the date during an inspection tour of the mega project on Wednesday.

After the test runs in March, President Uhuru Kenyatta is expected to commission the Expressway in April 2022.

CS Macharia said they are confident that the Sh65 billion project will be completed by February.

“Test runs on the road will take place in March next year as we are confident that the contractors will have completed all works by February, ” he said.

The CS at the same time mentioned that they have cut the time frame by two years from the initial completion date of four years.

“We have shortened the project from four years to two years thus the reason why the contractors work 24 hours to see its completion,” he said.

CS Macharia was accompanied by State House Chief of Staff Nzioka Waita, who got a chance to drive on a section of the elevated Expressway.

They drove from Westlands to the Museum Hill interchange and back, becoming some of the first Kenyans to get a feel of the highly anticipated project.

“This project fits in the Nairobi Masterplan and no single fund has been borrowed by the government. It is purely PPP, ” Nzioka Waita said.

He emphasized that the Nairobi Expressway was purely Public-Private Partnership with no debt incurred by the government.

“The Nairobi Expressway is perhaps one of the best insights as to how the President has been singularly focused on bridging Kenya’s critical infrastructure deficit and addressing the adverse economic impact of Nairobi’s bad traffic.

“I can say without fear of any contradiction that President Uhuru Kenyatta’s commitment to bridging the infrastructure gap will be honoured by the time his term comes to an end,” he added.


Witness Explains ‘Come help me sleep’ Text From Monica Kimani

A witness in the Monica Kimani murder trial of Joseph Irungu alias Jowie and Jacque Maribe has denied having had an intimate relationship with the deceased businesswoman.

Antony Kariuki, a businessman, was put to task to explain a message from Monica Kimani that read; “come help me sleep”.

Kariuki is said to have received the text at 11 pm on September 19, 2018, the date Monica Kimani is said to have been brutally murdered.

The witness told the court that he found the message weird as they did not have an intimate relationship.

“I found the message weird since my relationship with her had not moved to that level but I responded that I would go the following day,” he said.

Kariuki told Justice Grace Nzioka that he first met the deceased in Nyeri at a dowry ceremony for his friend Willis on August 25, 2018.

“It was my first time to see Monica and it was Willis who introduced me to her. They were working together in South Sudan,” he said.

“We talked and after the event, we went to have drinks in Juja town along Thika road where there were other people.”

They exchanged contacts and kept in touch until her return back to Kenya from South Sudan.

They would meet again weeks later after Monica gave him directions to her residence at Lamuria Gardens along Kitale lane off Dennis Pritt road.

The court heard they wanted to discuss business opportunities in South Sudan as Monica had told him that she ran a family business there.

“I used my car. I proceeded with my entry at around 2 pm. I entered the compound. She came down and we went to the 3rd floor of the house. [She] gave me a glass of juice. We talked about business issues. I then left. I took 45 minutes with her.”

Then on September 19, 2018, at around 9.20 pm, Kariuki drove to Lamuria Gardens to meet Monica.

“This was the second time and I was not asked for identification cards as I had given out the first time and I told them I was not taking long. Monica came down to where I had parked, hugged me, and told me she was in a hurry with two visitors in her house, a Lebanese and a security guard from State House,” Kariuki testified.

The witness said he left and headed straight to his place in Kileleshwa, some 20 minutes drive from Monica’s place.

At around 11 pm, Monica sent him a message, “come and help me sleep”, to which he responded, “I will come tomorrow.”

The following day, September 20, 2018, he tried calling or texting her three to four times without any success as the mobile numbers were not going through and she was not responding to text messages.

At about 1:31 pm Kariuki received a WhatsApp missed call from his friend Willis, and later at 1:34 pm, Willis sent him a message on Whatsapp that read: “Sorry I have some sad news Monix is no more. So sad indeed.”

“I enquired what happened and I was informed that she was murdered. I never attended the burial as I had other engagements in Sotik,” Kariuki testified.

While being cross-examined by Jowie’s lawyer, Prof.Hassan Nandwa, the witness said Monica was a friend. He mentioned that she had told him that she would be going to Sudan and Dubai the following week before she died.

The hearing of the murder case continues.


Uhuru Orders Reduction of Electricity Costs

President Uhuru Kenyatta has ordered the Ministry of Energy to institute changes as recommended by a task force he formed in March 2021 to reduce the cost of power.

In a statement on Wednesday, September 29, Uhuru welcomed recommendations of the task force to establish a path towards the reduction of the cost of electricity by over 33 percent within four months.

At the same time, Uhuru raised concern over the irregular power purchase agreements entered by Kenya Power.

He directed the Energy Cabinet Secretary, Charles Keter, to immediately secure the implementation of the recommendation of the Presidential Taskforce on Review of Power Purchase.

The consequence of the proposed interventions is that a consumer who previously spent Sh500 per month on electricity shall by 31st December 2021 pay Sh330 per month. This cost reduction will be achieved through the reduction of the consumer tariffs from an average of Sh24 per kilowatt-hour to Sh16 per kilowatt-hour which is about two-thirds of the current tariff,” the report reads.

President Kenyatta constituted the task force to review the power purchase agreements after it was discovered that independent power producers sold electricity to Kenya Power at inflated prices.

Other recommendations by the taskforce include;

Review and renegotiations with Independent Power Producers (IPPs) to secure immediate reduction in Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) tariffs within existing contractual arrangements;

Cancellation with immediate effect of all unconcluded negotiations of Power Purchase Agreements and ensure future PPAs are aligned to the Least Cost Power Development Plan (LCPDP);

Kenya Power to adopt standard PPAs and proposed Government Letters of Support (LOS) along the lines of the drafts provided by the Taskforce;

Kenya Power to undertake a forensic audit on the procurement and system losses arising from the use of Heavy Fuel Oils (HFOs);

Kenya Power to institute one and five-year rolling demand and generation forecasts and associated models;

Kenya Power to institute Due Diligence and Contract Management frameworks for PPA procurement and monitoring along the lines of the drafts provided by the Taskforce.


Ivy Wangechi Murder Trial: Witness Tells Court Suspect Demanded Sh200,000 Refund

The trial of a man who is charged with killing Ivy Wangechi three years ago was held in an Eldoret court on Tuesday.

The court heard that the accused, Naftali Kinuthia, had demanded a refund of Sh200,000 that he had allegedly spent on Ivy after she turned down his romantic overtures.

A witness who requested anonymity told the court that Ivy had on several occasions rejected the suspect’s advances.

“Before the incident, Naftali Kinuthia had started demanding a refund of the money that he had spent on Ivy amounting to Sh200,000,” the witness told the court.

The witness told High Court judge Stephen Githinji that at some point, Kinuthia had even threatened to go and meet Ivy’s mother to repay all the monies he had spent on her daughter.

She told the court that Ivy had on several occasions complained to her about Kinuthia nagging him.

“Ivy told me on several occasions that she was being stressed by Kinuthia, who was bothering her to enter into a love relationship with him yet she was not interested,” the witness testified.

The witness also disputed claims that Ivy and Kinuthia were lovers. She said Kinuthia was forcing Ivy into a love relationship by enticing her with expensive gifts.

The witness further said that Kinuthia used to bankroll their birthday parties in an attempt to win Wangechi over.

“In 2018, I had a birthday party in a club in Westlands. I invited my three friends and Ivy was one of them. Kinuthia showed up at the event and footed the Sh14,000 bill to our surprise since no one requested him to do so,” she said.

The judge heard that after the party Kinuthia asked Ivy to go with him to his house for the night but Ivy declined.

The witness said Ivy blocked Kinuthia on her phone but he started sending text messages to her(witness) and asked her to forward them to Ivy.

Text messages shown in court showed that Kinuthia expressed his frustrations at Ivy for turning him down.

Ten witnesses including Ivy’s mother and her university classmates have already testified in court.

The judge adjourned the trial to December 15.

Kinuthia, a 31-year-old software graduate student, has been in remand at the Eldoret GK Prison since his arrest in 2019.


Dr. SK Macharia Message to “those who say Kenyatta stole land”

Royal Media Services Chairman Dr. SK Macharia has defended the Kenyatta family against claims that they grabbed land.

Dr Macharia worked in the Lands Ministry during President Jomo Kenyatta’s regime.  He was among the young educated Kenyans who were handpicked from the United States of America in 1968 to return home and work for the then government.

Speaking on Tuesday during a meeting of the Mt. Kenya Foundation and Raila Odinga in Nairobi, Dr Macharia said the Kenyatta family legally acquired the land they own.

“Those who say Kenyatta stole land should come and I will take them to the archives… Anyone who got land from the British has valid documents with my signature and that of the late Gikonyo,” he stated.

Recounting his days as a public servant, Dr. Macharia said vices like corruption weren’t as pronounced as they are today.

“The problems we have today, we did not have them during President Jomo Kenyatta’s time. We worked very hard. We still worked 8 hours from Monday to Friday and until midday on Saturdays. We would never take a single cent of government money,” he said.

“We only worked for the government to make money or provide services for people and then those taxes would help businesses make money,” SK Macharia added.

The media mogul also hailed President Kenyatta for the handshake with Raila Odinga.

He said the gains made from the handshake should not be allowed to go to waste.

“Without President Uhuru Kenyatta there would be no handshake. We salute him for that. We ask him to leave that handshake to good hands so that it can continue,” Macharia said.

He added: “We believe President Uhuru Kenyatta will leave this country in good hands, the hand he went to look for to shake hands.”


Kenya Revokes Visa-free Entry for Pakistanis

The Kenyan government has announced the suspension of an agreement that grants visa-free entry for Pakistan nationals.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday observed that some of the passengers allowed entry into Kenya from Pakistan have been taking advantage of the visa-free agreement to violate COVID-19 quarantine regulations.

This follows a significant spike in the number of persons travelling from Pakistan en route to Saudi Arabia and other destinations, through Kenya.

“The Government of Kenya regrets that some of these passengers are taking advantage of Kenya’s status with these countries with regard to the COVID-19 quarantine regulations. This threatens to undermine Kenya’s agreements with these countries which are put in place to ensure continuation of business and travel operations between our countries,” the ministry says in a letter to the High Commission of Pakistan in Nairobi.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry adds: “Kenya is hereby stopping the visa-free transit arrangement with Pakistan… Till further notice, Kenya will require visas for passengers from Pakistan to Kenya.”

The ministry further warned that those who fail to secure a visa will be turned away and required to leave the country immediately upon arrival.

Meanwhile, the Interior Ministry has ordered an immediate crackdown on foreigners who are in the country illegally owing to the threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The government will restrict the number of foreigners transiting through the country to levels that do not pose a risk to Kenya’s national interests,” the govt said.

Interior Principal Secretary Dr. Karanja Kibicho added that the operation will be undertaken by the Department of Immigration and the National Police Service.


Youtuber Mungai Eve Shows Off her New Crib in Kileleshwa

Popular Youtuber content creator Eve Mungai has acquired a new apartment and could not wait to show it off to her audience.

The YouTube sensation took her followers on a tour of the 2 bedroomed house located around Riverside and Kileleshwa area.

Eve said the apartment has a DSQ, an inbuilt cooker and oven, and a balcony overlooking the Westlands area.

The crib also boasts an intercom door system that will allow Eve to speak to a visitor at the gate before security lets them in. The lifts can be also be operated from inside the house for whenever Eve is expecting a guest.

The house also has an alternative source of power for when Kenya Power experiences an outage and a common swimming pool.

In a video tour, Mungai Eve said she and her boyfriend were forced to move closer to the city because of their schedules in Nairobi.

Our current house is located very far from Nairobi. We have to get to town to access other places. Sometimes we get back to the house at 11pm,” she said.

Mungai Eve, 21, is one of the top-earning YouTubers in Kenya. She started her channel in January of last year and has so far amassed over 324K subscribers and over 42 million views cumulatively.

The vlogger once said she earns between Sh700,000 and Sh.5million every month.


VIDEO: Check Out This Kenyan-Flag-Themed ‘Tudum’ Intro by Netflix

Netflix, the most popular premium streaming service in the world, is paying particular attention to Kenya in recent days.

Just this week, we told you how comedian Eddie Butita landed a job writing the script and being involved in the Swahili dubbing of one of Netflix’s latest shows, ‘The Upshaws’.

Initially, Netflix had gone with adding Swahili subtitle option, but those were ridiculed for being very inaccurate.

Now, the streaming giant is getting serious with Kenya, perhaps viewing it as a great upcoming market as competition heats up for them in the US.

They appear to have contracted local representatives, maybe even opened a local office.

Last week, it was announced that they would be launching a free plan in Kenya that will only include about a quarter of their catalog, in an effort to bring more people on board.

Now yesterday, Netflix launched a dedicated Twitter handle for Kenya, @NetflixKe, which was promptly verified. They also modified their famous ‘Tudum’ intro, to only include the Kenyan flag colors.

Here it is.


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Domestic Fight Between Man and Wife Claims Life of Daughter, 8

An 8-year-old girl tragically died at the hands of her quarreling parents in Kilgoris, Narok County.

A statement from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations indicates that Amos Maengwe, 30, and his 21-year-old wife, Esther Kaiseyi, were involved in a domestic brawl when Maengwe tried to hit his wife with a wooden object which missed and struck the girl.

“The two who were on each other’s throats in the 10 pm incident immediately stopped their fight and together carried their daughter to the hospital for medical attention,” DCI said.

The minor suffered a deep cut on the head and was in critical condtion.

Along the way, they came across police officers who helped them rush the girl to the nearby Kilgoris sub-county hospital.

Unfortunately, doctors tried to save the innocent girl’s life but she succumbed to injury.

Maengwe and his wife Kaiseyi were arrested and detained at the Kilgoris police station pending the conclusion of investigations and subsequent arraignment.
