Sunday, January 31, 2021

“Teenagers Might Kill Teachers”: KNUT Warns Against Corporal Punishment

The rising cases of indiscipline among school-going children in Kenya have led to calls for corporal punishment to be reintroduced.

The Cabinet Secretary for Education Prof George Magoha last week recommended reintroducing the cane, sparking a national conversation. Speaking in Kisii, Prof Magoha attributed students’ unrest in schools and attacks on teachers to the withdrawal of the cane as a punishment tool.

“I may appear old school but I think we are at a time when we need to discuss how we can bring sanity in our schools and maybe bring the cane on board once more,” said the Prof.

However, the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) has opposed the cane, saying it would only make matters worse.

‘We will not accept the return of corporal punishment which will put our teachers in conflict with the learners. If they want to return it, let them post police officers to schools who will be doing the caning job because these teenagers are likely to kill the teachers,” said KNUT Secretary General Wilson Sossion.

Speaking at Afraha High School in Nakuru, Sossion said indiscipline among learners is a result of a lack of parental responsibility.

According to Sossion, boarding schools be abolished instead to allow parents to spend more time with their children.

“Parents have a greater responsibility in the upbringing of their children. It is time for this country to abolish all boarding schools and have state-of-the-art day schools.

“Last year’s long break has exposed how parents have abdicated their roles on parenting. We want the parents to regain their skills of guiding their children after work as the work of the teachers is to impart knowledge and values between 8 am to 5 pm,” he said.

“This should be the best reforms alongside employing more teachers and ensuring we have state of the art facilities in the schools,” Sossion added.

The teachers’ representative also noted that a section of education stakeholders would likely oppose the proposal to abolish boarding schools.

“We know this is a lucrative business. If the investors resist, they should be ready for the chaos experienced in the past weeks of arson and assault that have left schools counting losses,” said Sossion, adding that developed countries have fully adopted the day school system.

“Europe and the United States are doing this. We shouldn’t continue to live with the colonial mentality that girls should be confined in schools to avoid circumcision and to stop boys from engaging in cattle rustling and other alike activities,” he said.


Investing In Stocks: 6 Tips For Beginners

Joanne Kabiru boasts a 20-year experience in the East African stock markets. She also offers personal finance coaching directly to clients and through platforms such as ‘I Am Network’, an online mentorship programme she co-founded.

The seasoned stockbroker shares her views on the stock market and offers tips for beginners looking to invest in the stock market.

  1. Brokers only guide, not control your investment. You need to first open a Central Depository System (CDS) account with a stockbroker. You cannot transact in shares without a CDS account. You can have more than one CDS account. Shares do not sit directly with the broker, they sit with the Central Depository and Settlement Corporation (CDSC), which is an independent body. To alleviate the concerns around the security of stock investments, the CDSC offers investor services such as online account services and e-statements which help investors keep track of their investments and hold their brokers accountable.
  2. Which stock to invest in? You first determine your budget; how much you are looking at investing. Second, look at the stock’s performance and how the company is running, since that will determine the amount of money you will make. That will guide you in establishing which stock has a future and is worth your investment.You do not need a lot of money to invest in the stock market. The biggest myth people have is that you should have a million shillings to invest in the stock market. I will use a simple example of Safaricom shares. Currently, Safaricom shares are trading at Sh35. This stock was initially sold in the market for Sh5 during the Initial Public Offering. For someone who held onto their shares since then, from Sh5 to Sh35, you see they have made seven times whatever they invested. So even if you invested Sh500 for 100 shares, right now it will be converted to Sh3,500. Now picture the bigger investments
  3. It is best to invest gradually. It’s not about investing Sh1 million at once. You can start investing slowly. The minimum number of shares one can buy is 100. Depending on the share price. For example, one Safaricom share is Sh35 and 100 shares are Sh3,500. So with Sh3,500, you have bought some shares. Cooperative Bank is currently around Sh13.10. If you buy 100 shares, that is Sh1,310. You can see that investing in stock is within affordable ranges and not out of reach. You can buy 100 shares today, buy another 100 shares tomorrow or next week and continue that way. That is how you find your portfolio growing and as that happens, even the company you have invested in grows, the stock price also grows and so does your investment.
  4. Be responsible for your investment. Don’t leave it to the stockbrokers.  Every person has a personal responsibility for their money and its growth. The biggest mistake Kenyans make is pushing on responsibility for their stock investment to stockbrokers. They dump the money to stockbrokers and go away. If you invest money, you should at least monitor it regularly. Don’t leave it and forget about it. If you do that, you may risk missing some opportunities. To make the most out of your investment, you need to gain some knowledge to make informed decisions. That said, a stockbroker has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interest of the client, for example through best execution or giving advise that is relevant to the client’s circumstances.
  5. Diversify your investment in other stock markets. The world is open. The Kenyan market is the busiest as it has the most shares in the East African market. You can invest in any of the East African stock markets since banks have made it possible to invest in those markets. You just convert your currency. Let’s take it even further you can even invest in the New York Stock Exchange by consulting international stockbrokers, who can, in turn, connect you to brokers in other markets. You don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home. Opportunities exist everywhere. Even US investors invest in Kenya. Remember to diversify your investments. That is very important. Even when investing in the Nairobi Stock Exchange, you need to diversify. Don’t invest in one space. You can, for example, combine manufacturing, telecommunications, and banking.
  6. Do not hang onto failing stock. Sometimes people hold on to failing shares. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet. You’ll make a loss, yes, but it’s a lesser loss than when you wait for another six months. Pulling out of a failing investment is very easy. You just need to talk to your broker to place the order. Settlement of trade is in three working days after execution and you will have your funds. It’s easy to pull out.



Hilarious Posts by Kenyans on Social Media For Your Monday Blues

Your weekly dosage of random funny posts going viral on the Kenyan interwebs to help kick away those Monday Blues.


My Story – I Fell In Love With A Relationship Scam Artist

Angela Nzilani met a Ghanaian man in 2014 and fell head over heels in love with him; he even moved in with her after two months. However, no sooner had Nzilani’s savings started drying up than their whirlwind romance turned into one big scam.

The mother of two shared her experience with and here’s her story.


“It was in January 2014 when I met this Ghanaian man, and my heart reverberated towards him. There was a big force within me because soon after the meeting, we hit the road running. We then moved in together or rather he moved into my house within two months.

I liked that he sounded different, acted differently and our love felt really exotic. As a former village girl, I felt I was going a notch higher.

We were in a celebratory mood for a while until the man realised that I was getting broke. My savings were drying up rapidly, after heavily investing in his business ventures, taking care of my son, him, and his friends and business partners, all grown men, from his country. By then, I had helped him to get a work permit and a driving license. I was certain that within no time he would be able to bring money home, only to later find out that the little money he had was also borrowed from other women.

This marked the first dent in our relationship. However, he would beg for forgiveness to a point of crying and swearing with the bible, his life, and his mother’s life that it would never happen again. It became a song. They say, love is blind and I was a victim. The fear of losing him coupled with low self-esteem made me forgive him countless times.

You see, I suffered low self-worth from way back in primary school. As the eighth child, in Makueni I felt unseen. High school life was tough and I faced a lot of competition, from my peers as I came from a humble background.

Confidence deficiency also followed me to college when I started dating. This gave me a sense of validation. I felt seen. I felt like I belonged somewhere and I was always looking forward to our meetings. Many young people fall into the trap of marrying their campus sweethearts because of that feeling of being ‘seen.’

I couldn’t finish all the stages of my CPA at Strathmore University because my parents were still struggling to educate my other siblings. I got a job in a construction company as a sales clerk and I ended up doing most of the administrative work.

Most of our clients were well to do people, mostly men, and they were very generous with positive compliments. I enjoyed it a lot, and I became very confident.

One of my clients became my lover. The village girl in me discovered candlelit dinners at The Rusty Nail and Karen Blixen, swimming in heated pools, watching the sunset while sipping exotic wine, and listening to the 80s, country music, and the classics. I discovered the joy of taking flights to the Kenyan Coast for a weekend getaway. Nothing could stop me from having exotic dates and at times having a dance in some serene nightclub. I had arrived.

Then, I fell pregnant and the attention I used to get waned. Soon, we parted ways.

I was a very aggressive young woman. By then, I had opened my own construction company which was doing quite well. My son and I were living life. I worked hard to a point of opening a branch of greenhouse fabrications and installation. I even started saving for a mortgage.

However, I unconsciously craved for a husband and a father for my son. I felt incomplete. That’s how I ended up meeting the Ghanaian when my son was eight. With my Ghanaian beau’ we did not waste much time and soon I was expectant.

When I was five months pregnant, we agreed that he would go back to Ghana to sell some of his property, so that he could come back to Kenya before I gave birth. By then my business was down, as I had taken a lot of debt to bankroll his ‘businesses’. I sold my car to afford a ticket for him and settled some bills. He bought a one-way ticket. He never came back.

When the delivery date came, I had no money. This was after so many reminders to my “husband” to send money and him promising each time. A friend came to my aid. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life because this particular friend had warned me against “my husband”, but I was very inexorable.

All this while, my “husband” and I were in constant communication and he kept on assuring me that we were still an item. My healing wasn’t easy because I had undergone a C-section delivery.

By then, my husband’s alleged property sale had not gone through. We agreed that it would be easier for us to join him in Ghana. I prepared myself, the kids, and my entire family for the plan to relocate. Nobody was happy with my decision, but I insisted.

The guy never sent our plane tickets, even after knowing that I had fully prepared to the point of disposing of all my house items and withdrawing my son from school. We waited for six months, all this while he made daily promises.

Finally, in December 2015 a woman purporting to be his wife called me from Ghana and told me that I had been conned. I was broke, broken, homeless, and a single mother of two children from two different fathers. I only had a suitcase of clothes in my possession and I moved in with my sister.

I looked for all kinds of jobs and also a cure for my pain. Fortunately, I came across a personal development and purpose discovery class which I went through courtesy of Coach Stephen Muiru.

The class introduced me to myself. I didn’t know who I was. I did the work of healing and forgiving myself. I am now a healed healer.

I started Angelique Achievers in 2018. I apply Personal Development and Spiritual Principles to heal people’s pain, trauma, and uncertainties, by having them take responsibility for their leadership, even from a place of adversity.

I revived my construction company last year and managed to buy another car this January. When you understand who you are, discover your why and purpose, you will feel complete, thrive, and be transformed.”



CRAZY: Funny Pics/Memes Going Viral on Social Media

Our weekly compilation of the craziest images and memes doing rounds in the Kenyan interwebs.


It’s Not A Radio Reunion! Jalango and Mwakideu Are Building Their Dream Homes Next To Each Other

As far as bromances go, radio personalities Jalang’o and Alex Mwakideu reign supreme. The pair has established itself as a formidable duo on radio but their relationship frequency goes beyond the radio airwaves.

When they shared posters announcing an upcoming project titled ‘Jenga na Alex na Jalas’, many naturally assumed that they were hinting at a radio reunion.

Well, this couldn’t be further from the truth; Alex na Jalas are embarking on an ambitious project to build their dream homes next to each other.

As the story goes, Alex na Jalas bought land in Kitengela, Kajiado County a few years back and they reckon it’s time to develop it.

“Since we posted about working together again, many things have been written about this comeback and so with all humility allow us to set the record straight. First of all, we are not moving to any radio station. Hii story ya Radio Show ni kama haitawahi kufanyika tena. Let’s forget about it!!! 😂🤣😂 (at least for now) But guess what… Alex na Jalas are back with a Bang!!! This time around we meet online!!! JENGA NA ALEX NA JALAS ndio mpango mzima!!!” said the duo in a joint statement on Sunday.

“Kuna Mashamba tulinunua some years ago kule Kitengela and now we think it’s time to build our dream homes!!! Next to each other 😂🤣😂🤣😂 (You guys should know that our families are that tight. It’s not just about us!)” they said.

Alex Mwakideu and Jalango will be recording the entire process in what they say will be “the biggest reality online show”.

“We want to encourage you to own a home! We want to help you understand the process, the journey, the challenges and the fun and everything that is about owning your home. We will help you separate the wheat from the chaff.

They add: “We want to walk with you and you walk with us in this journey! We want to inspire young men and women who are yet to build to take the challenge on homeownership.”

‘Jenga na Alex na Jalas’ goes live this Thursday and will be running on the pair’s social media pages and a new YouTube channel.

“This is a project of Faith and hope but knowing what both We can do and the fact that this vision is powered by God by December just ask us where are the houses,” said Jalas.


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In Conversation With H_Art The Band

H_art the Band members Wachira Gatama(Skoko), Kenneth Muya(Kenchez) and Mordecai Mwini spoke to about what makes them tick.

SKOKO – The Poet and CEO of the band

What would you say brings out your uniqueness?

My uniqueness comes from embracing who I am

What has been your secret to getting this far?

Focus. I’ve always wanted better for myself. I push for that better, not waiting for things to magically fall into place. I intentionally work at getting the most out of life. That said, I still endeavor to live one day at a time and find the balance between living and appreciating the fact that I am alive.

What expectations do you have of your current project, Simple Man?

I want someone to pause for at least 30 minutes of their lives and get lost in another world – that world that they dream of, what they would want for their own lives.

What are you most grateful for?

Life and good health

What has helped you grow as a band?

Being disciplined in time management. We are intentional about what moves we are making towards growth and we work at this daily. That means, we have an action plan that governs how we spend our days.

What are your dreams for H_art the Band?

Creating systems that work. Music is a wonderful work of art. However if one does not manage it as a business, then there will be no longevity. My dream is to establish systems that help us live off what we are creating now in years to come; to build wisely while we yet have the vibrance.

MORDECAI – The Music Man and Book Keeper

How would you describe your creative process when it comes to music composition?

That process depends on where I am. I pay attention to what is happening around me and within me. Sometimes as I play my guitar, a tune is born and with it, some lyrics. I can’t say my creative process is cast on stone. I don’t have one specific way in which music is created. I’ll think of something here, watch something there, hear someone say something over lunch. All these different experiences are enriching my perspective on something; the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. I am also part of a team, which means that as I listen to the input of others, something magical is born because it is watered by other perspectives.

What would you say has put you ahead of the pack as a band?

Wanting it that bad. When we wrote “Uliza Kiatu,” which was our first song, we walked around daily for close to 2 years seeking to play gigs for free. When we finally released the track, there were quite a number of people who had watched us play live. That gave us mileage.

Hunger is a prerequisite for achieving whatever one wants in life. How bad do you want it? Whatever your ‘it’ is? In retrospect, there were people who were divinely placed on our path to assist us along this journey. Our success this far has not been without much help even from strangers.

Why are you so fascinated by music?

Because it speaks to the heart, it a universal language that transcends our differences as people of diverse tribes, nations and races. One can listen to a song produced in South Africa, not understand a word yet feel a strong connection to that piece of art.

At what point did you discover that your fascination in music wasn’t just for enjoyment, it was your path of purpose?

My parents had a musical inclination, so I grew up in an environment where music was appreciated.

What are most grateful for?

The fact that I am alive and sane

Why are you a vegan?

It’s a choice I made a couple of years ago. For health purposes and other personal reasons

How have you handled the rough chapters of life?

By taking one day at a time. I have found that there are things that just get sorted out by me just letting go.

KENCHEZ – The Actor and Fashion Designer

What has been the inspiration behind you pursuing this path?

One thing led to another. I started out by acting. We used to act in theatres with Skoko, that’s where we met. We would play my guitar in the streets of Nairobi just to unwind, but this would attract a lot of attention, especially from ladies. They would often ask what the name of our band was. There was no band, just 2 guys enjoying music. We later met Mordecai and as they say, the rest is history.

My grandfather was famous for playing litungu, a 7-stringed instrument popular in the Luhya community. Maybe I got my musical inclination from him, just saying.

How would you describe your journey thus far?

The journey has had its ups and downs. There are times I felt like we were not appreciated because certain people didn’t see the value of what we carried but there are also times when this gift opened doors for us. In all, I’m grateful for the far we’ve come even as I appreciate the fact that there remains room for much growth.

What’s your take on the subject of purpose?  

I think it is important for one to find themselves. It might take a while because the kind of system we have been brought up in doesn’t teach or encourage us to discover our gifts early but it is important to be open to understanding what we are good at. For one to build anything, being intentional has to be part of the equation. You can’t build if you don’t truly know what you want or what you are wired to thrive in.

What would you say is the importance of being in a creative camp, such as the one you have just come from?

For one, working in an environment with minimal distractions helps us to achieve so much more. Working with Cedo is also a major plus. Cedo listens. He pays attention to what we really want and is attuned with our vision and passion as a band. He also has an amazing work ethic that makes it easy for us to work with him.

If you could change one thing about your life what would it be?

I would have preferred to grow up in a stable environment. I moved schools a lot and watched my parents constantly fight over things I did not understand. I love them to pieces but I wish they would have found a way of sorting out their differences without putting me in the middle of their tags of war, even if it meant agreeing to disagree.

How do you deal with conflict in the group?

Communication. We don’t keep grudges, if one of us is unhappy with how matters are being handled, we lay the issue on the table and discuss it like adults. We respect each other’s opinions and preferences. We work at not crossing certain boundaries that would offend any member of the group. The fact that we have natural chemistry as a band helps a lot. We think alike in many ways. This makes decision making easy.

What is your personal secret to growth?

I’m very intentional when it comes to creating an environment that allows for growth. I’m also very deliberate on who I hang around most of the time. Your company determines the trajectory of your life, that’s a fact.

What are your dreams for H_art the Band?

To see us run a conglomerate some day; have a centre for creative minds, a company that offers Creatives mentorship and support on the business side of art, a fashion line, a company that offers professional songwriting services just to mention. This comes from my analysis of diversity in the strengths of talent and ability that each of us within the band carries.

What are you most grateful for?

Life and friendship


Mejja Opens Up On His Relationship Dilemma, “Nothing Is As Painful”

Genge rapper Major Nemeye Khadija alias Mejja is facing a major dilemma regarding his relationship with his wife. The celebrity musician and his wife parted ways in December last year due to circumstances beyond their control.

“We are not together at the moment. It is confusing because we were just fine. In layman’s language, I would give an example and say it is like being with someone for a few years, then they get a job, in a place like France. This person comes and tells you, ‘this job that I got is my dream, my happiness’.

“Obviously, such news will get you off guard. Truth is, everybody should follow their happiness, even if it means going to France. I wasn’t prepared to be in a long-distance relationship,” said Mejja in a YouTube interview with Lynn Ngugi.

The rapper said they have tried to find a solution to their predicament to no avail.

“I analyzed the situation and accepted to be in the long-distance relationship so that my wife could be happy. But it didn’t work out. We parted way in December 2020. I have tried talking to her twice about this, but we have not come to a solution because it is a very tricky issue. If what she wanted was a product I could go to the shop and buy, I would have, but I can’t. It’s also not something I’m confident with, but she insists on pursuing it,” said the ‘Jana Kuliendaje’ hitmaker.

Mejja further admitted to falling into depression as a result of the split.

“What I can tentatively say is there is nothing as painful as that. That situation left me really depressed. I mean it would be less hurtful if I knew maybe there is something I did or she did that hurt us but it’s nothing like that.

“Apart from that, she is a good woman, she is a good mother. She made me very religious. I wasn’t much of a praying type but after I met her I became very prayerful. She even used to help me when writing lyrics… It is not easy. She was my best friend – my everything,” Mejja professed.

He added: “I was sitting at home the other day and thought to myself, ‘people break up because of things like adultery, and such stuff, but nobody talks about situations like mine. Do I give up my career and be with the woman I love or do I risk leaving her without a thought of how the future will be?’ That is my dilemma.”


Meet ‘Malli Chic’ Head Designer Andria Kyalo

Andria Kyalo is the head designer at Mallichic, a fashion brand that embraces African culture and innovative designs. She recycles and upcycles fabrics to make innovative fabric patchwork in interior decor, jewellery, clothing and styling.

Andria spoke to PeopleDaily about her style influences and interests.

Tell us a little bit about your history in fashion.

My grandfather was a tailor and two of my uncles (Laban Kitaka of Lanito designs and Daniel Muendo of Tchisau Fashion House) followed in his footsteps.

This prompted me to start off in my career path in 2010 after completing high school, although the brand wasn’t more defined yet.

Gradually, in the next few years after working on my tailoring skills and earning a degree in design, the brand Andy K Designs came to be.

Mallichic was born from that and has been striving since to make its place and achieve its purpose in the Kenyan fashion and design industry.

How does your anti-pollution concept work?

Recycling of fabrics to create something new reduces the amount of waste that is thrown away and ends up collecting in large piles in dumpsites.

So, we use such fabrics to make unique designs and this helps reduce waste, a process that is friendly to the environment.

What makes your style stand out?

My style is unique not only to myself but also to everyone I have tailored an outfit for.

I try to connect people to their personal style, which involves staying comfortable, but at the same time exploring new tastes and always adding a touch of exclusivity.

How has the reception been?

The industry can be hard to navigate and support for up and coming designers may not be as strong because of competitiveness and trying to get or remain relevant.

However, everybody who is truly passionate about fashion and design acknowledges the other’s presence and uniqueness.

Who is your fashion idol?

I have a couple of people who have inspired my design concepts. One of them is Vivienne Westwood.

Her designs derive from historical fashion and redesigning of old styles to create something that addresses the future of design. She also played a great role in the creation of punk fashion.

Mallichic focuses on Afro punk and Afro futuristic designs. The punk and futuristic aspects are inspired by some of Vivienne’s design concepts.

How best can I recycle an old trend to remain stylish and relevant?

You can introduce something personal and flattering into the look you are going for.

For instance, if you would like to try bell bottom jeans, you can choose to exaggerate the bell shape, add slits to show off your legs, use a different fabric for the bottom, or add layers of tiers to the bottom.

Just try and stay involved in the design and styling process so that you come up with an idea that flatters you and is unique.

What’s the situation of  the fashion business in Kenya currently.

Our industry remains with the same grievances as it is throughout Africa. People are willing to support black entrepreneurs, but are not willing to meet their prices.

This leads to them falling back to ready-to-wear imported clothing options and those from thrift shops and markets.

However, more people are creating affordable ready-to-wear Made in Kenya collections.

So, hopefully business will get better with more brand awareness and local support.

What are your future plans for Mallichic?

To become not only a successful design and styling brand, but also to grow into a fashion movement that supports the growth of black entrepreneurs through innovative partnerships and educates more people into the culture of fashion and design.

Any fashionistas you are looking to work with in Africa and beyond?

My first pick would have to be Ruth Carter. She is a world-renowned African American costume designer famous for her work on the film Black Panther.

She has the ability to capture the essence of different genres and time periods. One of my biggest ambitions is to become a costume designer in my own right.

Give us a fashion tip to live by.

Be open-minded when it comes to your style. You need to discover what you like and not rely on other people’s perspective of what is fashionable or proper. Always aim to express yourself.


Thursday, January 28, 2021

Veteran NTV Swahili Anchor Jane Ngoiri Resigns

Veteran NTV Swahili news anchor Jane Ngoiri has called it quit at the twin towers.

The anchor, who has been the face of NTV Swahili news for years, reportedly tendered her resignation on Thursday.

Reasons for her leaving the station are not clear, but it is said she might be heading to one of the rival media houses in the country. Jane Ngoiri has been at NTV for 10 years, making her one of their longest serving news anchors.

Ngoiri’s resignation comes at time when NTV has been losing the top talents leaving most of the staff with low morale.

Just last year, Ken Mijungu left the station, famously providing a line for Khaligraph’s hit ‘Tuma Kitu’. In his case, he was let go alongside Debarl Inea and Harith Salim.

Nation Media Group has also fired or lost several reporters in its newspaper division.

Jane is known for her prowess in Swahili, and just a few months ago she launched her new show Gumzo la Sato.


Google Grants Kenya 1.1 Billion For Post Covid-19 Recovery

American technology giant Google has announced a 10 million US dollar package to support Kenya’s post-Covid-19 recovery efforts.

The announcement was made Wednesday evening by Google’s Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai during a virtual meeting with President Uhuru Kenyatta on the sidelines of a public discussion on digital transformation in Africa organised by the Corporate Council on Africa (CCA).

CCA is a Washington DC-based trade association focusing on strengthening trade and commercial ties between the United States of America and African economies.

In addition to the 10 million dollar package, which includes 3 million to support small businesses, 5 million for Kenyan startups, and 2 million for charity, Mr Pichai announced several other investments lined up by his organization for Kenya.

Mr Pichai said his company will expand its Google for Startups Accelerator program this year by supporting 100,000 businesses and 15,000 developers in Kenya.

In the education sector, the American technology giant will train 29,000 students and 1,800 teachers on remote learning using its Google Classroom platform.

President Kenyatta welcomed the post Covid-19 recovery support from Google and thanked the company for working closely with the Kenyan Government in driving digital transformation across the country in the 13 years of its operations in Kenya.

“Thank you and your team for being very close collaborators with Kenya over the years. We started our journey some almost two decades ago to try and start moving into the digital world.

“You have been a good part of that journey. A journey that has enabled many Kenyans through the use of technology and digitization to access financial services, knowledge and to enhance their business capacities,” the President told Mr Pichai.

He said Kenya’s digital transformation supported by partners such as Google over the years has seen the country rise to become “one of the start up capitals of the African continent.”

During the public discussion moderated by Kenyan international media icon and former CNN journalist Zain Verjee, the President said Kenya is aggressively expanding internet connectivity across the country and investing in skills development to enable young Kenyans to benefit from employment opportunities created by the digital revolution.

The President said his administration is rolling out the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) to give Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects the prominence needed to move Kenya from a nation reliant on agriculture to an economy powered by technology.

Moving forward, President Kenyatta said Kenya’s priority is translating the expanding internet connectivity in the country into tangible economic benefits for her people.

He said the country will achieve this ambition by linking the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with the high potential and expansive global markets.

“True growth in Kenya is going to be led by SMEs and we need to be able to tool them. One area I would like us to work a lot more together is in the area of supporting our SMEs,” the President said.

The Head of State said his administration was keen on expanding market opportunities for Kenyan businesses through the ongoing Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations with the United States of America and other multilateral platforms such as the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

On his part, Mr Pichai said the Covid-19 pandemic had accelerated digital growth in Africa and assured President Kenyatta that Google will continue partnering with African Governments in the delivery of technology solutions.

ICT CS Joseph Mucheru, a former Google employee, attended the meetings alongside his Foreign Affairs counterpart Raychelle Omamo. State House Chief of Staff Nzioka Waita, his deputy incharge of Strategy Mrs Ruth Kagia and ICT PS Jerome Ochieng were also present.


KUPPET Demands Guns For Teachers, Boarding Schools Abolished

The government should provide security training and guns for teachers deployed in volatile regions of the country, the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) has demanded.

According to acting KUPPET Secretary General Moses Nthurima, armed teachers would be better poised to deal with attackers.

“We are repeating this demand that in the pockets of insecurity, teachers must be trained and provided with guns. You cannot confront a gunman with chalk. When we take a teacher to insecurity prone areas that teacher will constantly live in fear. But if the gun is hanging on his back even bandits will know that teacher is a no-go zone and they will take a second thought before making any mistake,” said Nthurima.

This comes in the wake of incidents where armed gunmen have killed teachers in the North-Eastern and Coast regions.

At the same time, KUPPET wants the State to reduce the number of boarding schools with a view to abolishing them entirely.

“We have realised there is no complementarity between efforts of the teachers and parents because once learners leave for boarding school they return home after three months and are foreigners to their parents. We want the efforts consolidated by having learners go home in the evening so that when they go to school they have an input from the parent and then they find the teacher,” said Nthurima.

On the issue of students’ unrest in schools, KUPPET wants the government to expedite the recruitment of guidance and counseling teachers who will only be tasked with addressing learners’ issues in schools.

The KUPPET boss further demanded that teachers be provided with risk allowance.

“We demand that teachers are paid risk allowances. Teachers are constantly facing threats from learners and even parents and also pockets of insecurity. It has become extremely urgent that teachers are paid allowances. It cannot wait any more,” said Nthurima.


The Trending Memes and Tweets This Last Weekend of January

A look at what’s trending on social media as we end the month of Njaanuary.


Oparanya to Raila: Your Time Is Up. Support Me So I Can Beat Ruto

Kakamega County governor Wycliffe Oparanya has called on Raila Odinga to abandon his presidential ambitions and support him instead.

According to Oparanya, the ODM leader has been been in politics for a long time and it is time for him to pass the mantle. And who better to pass it to than the only leader from the Luyha community who has supported Odinga throughout his long political career.

“When I joined the parliament in 2002, Raila was there, and I have been with him all through. I was also part of the team that formed ODM,” said Oparanya.

The Council of Governors (CoG) chairperson also noted that helped Raila gain a lot of votes in 2013 and 2017. As such, Oparanya described himself as Raila’s eldest child.

“It is now time for him to support me as his eldest child. I know that if he supports me, I will be able to defeat Ruto with a big margin,” Oparanya said.

When asked if he would seek backing from other Luhya leaders such as Wetang’ula and Mudavadi, Oparanya said he does not intend to do so because he does not want to owe anyone anything.


“I’m Scared For My Life,” Says Lawrence Warunge’s Cellmate

A Nairobi based tout who earlier this month went viral following an outrageous confession in court is turning out to be quite the clout chaser.

A fortnight ago, Wycliffe Aloys Orinda admitted to smoking marijuana, telling Nairobi Chief Magistrate Martha Mutuku that it helps him understand the BBI. He also opened up about his love for Blue Ice Vodka which he said helps him hit on older women.

Watch: Nairobi Tout Tells Court He Loves Vodka Because It Makes Older Women Look More Appealing

When he appeared before the court on Thursday, January 28 for his probation hearing, Orinda stunned the courtroom after protesting against sharing a remand cell with Lawrence Warunge, the homicide suspect who confessed to killing five members of his family.

Orinda told the court that he fears for his life because of Warunge and sought to be freed from the Industrial Area Remand. He also mentioned that he misses his Blue Ice drink.

At the same time, a disheveled Orinda told Magistrate Martha Mutuku that his belongings were stolen while in the remand.

“Your honor, they took off my shoes and trouser and I am being held with another suspect who killed five family members. I am scared my life is in danger,” he stated.

Magistrate Mutuku ordered that Orinda undergoes a psychiatric evaluation to ascertain his fitness to stand trial. The test will be conducted at the Mathari National Teaching and Referral Hospital, Nairobi.


Ex-Inooro TV Anchor Rues Quitting The Station: I Was Offered a Lot of Money

Former Inooro TV anchor Monica Kagoni says she made a mistake when she quit the station for a “better-paying” job with Mt Kenya TV.

Kagoni was among reporters at the S.K Macharia-owned media house who resigned en masse when Mt Kenya TV came calling with irresistible offers, ahead of its much hyped launch in 2018.

At Inooro, Kagoni was serving as a ‘trainee’ reporter earning between Sh35,000 and Sh50,000 despite being tasked with covering major functions like the 2017 Presidential Petition hearings and anchoring news.

Then came Mt Kenya TV, owned by Kirinyaga Woman Rep Purity Ngirici and her billionaire husband, Andrew Ngirici.

“I have to admit I made a mistake. At the time, I was offered a lot of money by the station and because my husband and I were going through some financial difficulties, I opted to take it,” Kagoni said.

However, the greener pastures she and other reporters had understandably sought after at Mt Kenya TV didn’t turn out to be as green as advertised.

“After just two months of working at the station, things went south and so after about five months of no pay, I quit. I felt that someone had ruined my career,” Kagoni said.

Kagoni and other reporters who resigned from the Ngirici-owned TV station were consequently subjected to ridicule and backlash over alleged greed for more money.

“The comments were hurtful since it is a time I was going through so much back home. I was broken,” she confessed.

Kagoni has since turned to YouTube where she runs a channel dubbed ‘Metha ya Kagoni’ that features human interest stories.


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Did Mighty Salim Refuse Kidney Surgery Due To Cult? Father Speaks

The father of the deceased Timothy Njuguna alias Mighty Salim has revealed why the Mugithi music maestro did not undergo kidney surgery.

The one-man guitarist succumbed to kidney failure on Sunday evening, January 24, 2021, just a day after performing on the fifth memorial day of his late brother Salim Junior.

Before his passing, Mighty Salim was set to fly to India for surgery, with his family conducting a fundraiser in 2018 that fetched Sh2.5 million.

But Salim was unable to get the surgery, sparking rumours that the singer declined the surgery due to the teachings of the ‘Ngomi’ cult, which prohibits followers from seeking medical intervention.

His father Joe Salim, however, dismissed the claims saying doctors feared that Mighty Salim would not survive a major operation.

“Mighty Salim had a problem and I know many of his fans recall him holding a Harambee. He was diagnosed with kidney failure. He also had high blood pressure and diabetes.

“When Mighty was set to fly to India for surgery, a doctor advised us to abandon the plans, opting for dialysis. He feared the operation would be his end due to other complications,” said Joe.

Mighty Salim was diagnosed with diabetes in mid-2003 before the situation worsened to kidney failure in 2018.


Boda Boda Rider Charged After Smashing Ex-girlfriend’s TV For Riding On Another Motorbike

A Nairobi-based bodaboda rider accused of smashing a television set belonging to his ex-girlfriend has been charged with causing malicious damage.

Ignatius Okumu Otieno, 22, allegedly broke Sofia Wamaitha’s TV worth Sh22,000 at her house in Dagoretti sub-county, Nairobi on January 24. He is said to have committed the offense after the ex-girlfriend rode on another rider’s motorcycle.

Otieno reportedly visited Wamaitha, 34, at around 11 pm and banged her door. When Wamaitha let him in he allegedly kicked the television screen damaging it while also threatening the complainant.

The accused had reportedly agreed to trade his TV set for the broken one but police at the Riruta police station preferred charges against him after he expressed dissatisfaction with the arrangement.

Appearing before senior principal magistrate Esther Bhoke at the Kibera law courts, Otieno denied the charges. He was released on a cash bail of Sh10,000 or an alternative bond of Sh100,000.

The case will be mentioned on February 10.


Daddy Owen: Laugh At Me, Call Me Names But Don’t Involve My Children

Following reports that Daddy Owen’s marriage to Farida Wambui has fallen apart, a section of fans have been wondering about the situation with their children.

The Award-winning gospel singer appeared for an interview on Radio Jambo where his host Massawe Japanni asked him if he was still able to access his children.

Daddy Owen stated that he is still the father of his children and warned trolls against involving them in the saga.

“People can laugh at me, make fun of my eyes, my masculinity, and call me names, but not my children. That is why my children are not online. That, I cannot discuss,” he said.

Adding: “What I can say is, at home mimi ni baba watoto, mume and kiongozi wa jamii yangu. Secondly, how I’m viewed out there is as a minister, star, while others hate you. Now when things happen in my life, what do I carry with me? What do I let go of? That is the question. Also, what legacy will I leave my children with? All this is to protect them.”

Owen also lamented that being in the limelight for over 20 years comes with dire consequences.

“Your life is not your life anymore. Anything you do or your actions have repercussions, and that is what I’m careful about as a parent.

“Things happen but you have to be cognisant of what you want your children to grow up and read about the two of you,” he said.

Daddy Owen also opened up about his battle with depression.

“At the time, no one in the family knew I was going through depression, and even when I started going for counselling, I did not tell anyone. I did not know I was suppressing issues that later affected me. One day it all exploded. That is when I had to seek help and dig deep into what was affecting me,” he said.


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TikTok Star Alvan Love Gatitu Bags Radio Job

Former Tusker Project Fame contestant Alvan ‘Love’ Gatitu will soon be the newest voice on Kenyan airwaves after he bagged a new radio gig.

The TikTok sensation has landed a job with Trace FM, where he will be hosting the breakfast show from 6 am-10 am. He is set to go on air beginning next month.

Alvan Love took to his socials this week to announce the great news to his evergrowing fanbase.

“Boo boo precious is on radio. Tune in from Monday 1st February.

95.3 Trace FM 6am-10am

Monday to Friday.

Will you be tuners?

If the Lord did it before He will do it again for you!

It’s been 4years. I missed radio,” wrote Alvan Love.

The new job comes less than a year after the comedy sensation seemingly hit rock bottom and turned to well-wishers after he was locked out of his house over 3-month rent arrears.

His electricity and water supply had also been disconnected and attempts to get help from his closest friends bore no fruit.

With nowhere to turn to, the TikToker found solace in a kind-hearted security guard, identified as Wafula Kizito, who offered Gatitu a place to spend the night.

Read More: Alvan Gatitu Reciprocates Kindness Shown By Security Guard


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Check Out This 250 Million Luxury 5-Bedroom House in Muthaiga

Kenyan developers are upping their game when it comes to house designs.

We’re seeing a steady shift from the old boring designs to new contemporary ones, or something in the middle.

The rise of the internet and the exposure that comes with it has shown potential homeowners the kind of raw deal we’ve been getting as a country for decades.

There are countless channels on YouTube that tour beautiful houses, which has left many Kenyans of means wanting the same.

Today we look at a house in Muthaiga listed by realtor Pam Golding.

It is a 5 bedroom semi-contemporary luxury house in Old Muthaiga that sits on about half an acre, on the market now for Ksh250,000,000.

Here’s a video tour.

Check out the pics and be the judge on whether it’s worth the hefty price tag.

Photos courtesy of Pam Golding


Why Shoprite Has Been Blocked from Exiting Kenya

South African retailer Shoprite last year announced its intent to exit the Kenyan market.

The supermarket chain stated that they would be closing their office and their two remaining branches, one at Garden City mall and the other at Westgate.

The closure was to happen in December, but the branches are still open as they clear out the shelves this January with a 50% sale on everything sale.

This announcement came months after the retailer had shut down its Waterfront, Karen branch and its City Mall, Nyali branch.

“Most likely we will be out of the Kenyan market by the end of the calendar year, meaning December, either by closing or disposing,” said Shoprite CEO Pieter Engelbrecht said at the time.

“Kenya, with three stores at year-end, has continued to underperform relative to our return requirements. Post year-end, one store has been closed given the ensuing economic impact of Covid-19.”

But now, a Nairobi court has blocked this exit.

High court Judge Anthony Mrima issued the order this week pending the hearing of a suit filed by a man who claims to have been injured inside one of their stores.

“An order is hereby issued restraining the Respondent herein, Shoprite Checkers Limited, from selling, transferring or concluding any sale or transfer of its business within Kenya as a going concern,” Justice Mrima ruled.

Patrick Alouis Macharia Maina, an IT developer has sued the retailer following an incident at their Garden City store, where he claims a stack of plastic containers fell on him.

He claims that in September 2019, at 5:40 pm, he attempted to lift the stack of containers in order to inspect them more closely, and the stack of lids that had been loosely placed on top of the containers suddenly slid off, hitting him on the face.

He said the impact left him with head injuries.

Alouis wants the supermarket blocked from leaving until the case is heard and determined.


Watch: Irate Kayole Residents Bay For Blood Of Suicidal Man Who Set Ex-girlfriend On Fire

Detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) had an eventful day on Wednesday after cornering a man alleged to have killed his ex-girlfriend Nairobi’s Njiru area on Friday last week.

The suspect, 37-year-old Charles Olweny Agana, had been on the run following the gruesome murder where he is said to have tied his ex-lover to a bed and set her on fire.

Detectives finally caught up with him in Kayole, Nairobi, prompting the suspect to lock himself inside a house on the fifth floor of an apartment.

In an update on Wednesday morning, the DCI said Mr Agana was at a balcony threatening to commit suicide.

“Our officers are at the scene pleading with him not to take his life on account of his actions, since all is not lost,” DCI said.

Read: Nairobi Woman Tied To Bed, Body Set On Fire After Inviting Ex-boyfriend To Settle Differences

After an hours-long standoff, detectives said they managed to convince the suspect not to take his life. They then arrested the suspect as an irate crowd milled around the scene baying for his blood.

“Detectives are currently trying to evacuate him from the scene, but hundreds of wananchi have blocked the way baying for his blood. We are calling upon the irate crowd to give way to our officers assisted by the County Fire department, for the suspect to be evacuated & get charged for his heinous crimes,” DCI said in the afternoon.

A clip has since emerged showing the mammoth crowd that was baying for the suspect’s blood. A second clip captured the moment police officers were pleading with Olweny not to jump.

The clip also shows the suspect holding and sharpening two knives, which according to DCI, he used to stab himself several times.

Watch the clips below.




Raila: If I Were President Uhuru, I Would Say Enough Is Enough

Opposition leader Raila Odinga has implored President Uhuru Kenyatta to reshuffle his government due to the growing division in the ruling party Jubilee.

Speaking during an interview with Meru-based radio station Thiiri FM on Wednesday morning, the ODM party leader said the President was doing everything to make things work but Ruto was busy fighting the government.

“The Jubilee government has problems because of the divisions. Even when EACC, DCI, and DPP arrest suspects, MPs allied to Jubilee make a lot of noise. This cannot be blamed on the opposition. The corruption is a problem of Jubilee and not the opposition,” he said.

Raila further said it is time Uhuru made some changes or risk endangering the country’s economy.

“The President is doing a lot to ensure things work out but he is being opposed. The house is divided, with groups pulling in different directions. If I were President Uhuru Kenyatta, I would say ‘enough is enough’…

“He should make changes in his government, otherwise I am afraid nothing much will come from this administration in the next one-and-a-half years. This is dangerous for our economy,” Raila said.

The former Prime Minister maintained that he was still in the opposition and his only pact with the Jubilee government was the handshake and the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

“We are still in the opposition and MPs elected under ODM keep the government in check. I also advise the President when I see something going wrong,” he said.


Nairobi MCAs To Sonko: Carry Your Own Cross

Jubilee Party leadership at the Nairobi County Assembly has distanced itself from Mike Sonko over his remarks that he and Kibicho planned poll chaos in 2017.

Led by the Assembly majority leader Abdi Guyo, Nairobi MCAs said Sonko acted on his own volition and should be charged accordingly.

“Let it go on record that Sonko was acting on his own behalf and not on behalf of Jubilee and for political expediency and because he has already incriminated himself, then he needs to be charged on his own account,” said Guyo.

“We are convinced that Sonko incriminated himself by making the utterances on Sunday and as such he should be charged for the atrocities he committed to the people of Nairobi,” the ward reps said.

Guyo further challenged Sonko to make public the names of those he claims are part of the deep state.

The Matopeni ward MCA also urged the Directorate of Criminal investigations (DCI) to expedite investigations given the seriousness of Sonko’s claims.

“I am urging the DCI to take the shortest time possible in concluding the investigations. If Sonko is not going to produce any evidence against PS Kibicho, then another charge should be levelled against him which is providing false information to the investigative authorities,” said Guyo.


All That’s Trending This Thursday

This is what’s trending on Twitter today.
