Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Uhuru: Kenya Keen On Strengthening Trade Ties With Europe

Kenya is keen on strengthening trade and investment ties with Europe, President Uhuru Kenyatta has said.

“As you know for sure not only do we share a common historical heritage but the European Union is without doubt our largest single trading bloc. And that does not only apply to Kenya, it applies basically to the entire continent (Africa),” President Kenyatta said.

The Head of State expressed the need for the European Union to work closely with Kenya to give private sector players the confidence to invest in Kenya and create jobs for the youth.

“This is where we can work together to see how we can encourage private sector players to come in and through their investment fill in our development gap, grow prosperity, create employment and create hope for our young people,” President Kenyatta said.

The Head of State spoke Tuesday at State House Nairobi during a virtual meeting with the President of the European Council Charles Michel.

President Kenyatta proposed a change of approach in the Africa-Europe cooperation model to make it more commercially oriented where the private sector will invest on the basis of returns but at the same time create opportunities for the continent.

On his part, Mr Michel agreed with President Kenyatta that there was need for Kenya and the rest of Africa to deepen their mutually beneficial partnership with Europe.

Mr Michel said the global Covid-19 pandemic had presented Africa and the European Union an opportunity to strengthen their ties in sectors such as health, infrastructure and governance.

The two leaders further discussed regional security and Kenya’s membership to the UN Security Council and agreed on the need to end the fighting in Ethiopia saying the conflict is a threat to the stability of the entire Horn of Africa region.


source http://nairobiwire.com/2020/11/uhuru-kenya-keen-on-strengthening-trade-ties-with-europe.html

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