Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Baringo Man Torches His House Before Hanging Self

Residents of Koiserat village in Baringo North are still reeling from shock after a 60-year-old man burnt down his home before taking his own life.

Reports say the man hanged himself on a tree within the same compound shortly after burning down his entire homestead on Monday evening.

He is said to have walked about his home, locking all doors and kindling a fire which he used to burn down the homestead. Neighbours watched helplessly from afar as the irate man was wielding a panga which he brandished at those who attempted to put out the fire.

According to neighbours, the deceased had joked about killing himself on several occasions.

It was however not immediately clear what pushed the man to torch his homestead and take his own life.

Police have since launched investigations.

source http://nairobiwire.com/2020/11/baringo-man-torches-his-house-before-hanging-self.html

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