Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Bahati has More Women Than Willy Paul: Ringtone Blasts Duo Over Diana Marua

As you would expect, controversial gospel artiste Ringtone Apoko had something to say about the newest controversy revolving around Willy Paul, Diana Marua and Bahati.

Speaking to reporters, Ringtone said the musicians should leave the past behind and concentrate on their music.

According to Ringtone, none of the three are innocent.

“Willy Paul, we all know that you are not clean, even today I am sure you were involved in some immorality. So stop telling us that. It doesn’t involve us,” Ringtone said.

He told Willy Paul to leave Diana Marua alone as she is somebody’s wife.

And to Bahati, Ringtone cautioned him against using his wife to create a scandal so that people can sympathize with him.

The singer said Bahati is more immoral than Willy Paul and therefore should not seek sympathy from the public.

“Bahati stop behaving as if you are seeking sympathy from us. We all know you have a lot of ladies and you have a lot of children outside marriage. Bahati has a lot of ladies compared to Willy Paul. So, among all these guys, none of them is innocent,” Ringtone said.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/12/bahati-has-more-women-than-willy-paul-ringtone-blasts-duo-over-diana-marua.html

Bahati Responds to ‘Haters’ Telling him to Divorce Diana Marua

Bahati has responded to calls from a section of fans that he should leave his partner, Diana Marua.

The singer noted that many people have been asking him to dump Diana B after allegations emerged that she had a romantic relationship with Willy Paul.

In an online video, Bahati told off his ‘haters’ saying he will stick by his rapper wife.

“I want to state that I am not sorry to every hater outside there who wants me to break up with my wife… You want us to break up, then? Get a life,” he said.

Bahati further bragged that those who want him to dump Diana Marua are interested in her but don’t have the finances to take care of her needs.

“If I give you this girl, will you maintain her? Do you know how expensive she is?” he posed.

The musician also dismissed claims that he colluded with Diana to accuse Willy Paul of attempting to rape her.

“They are saying we did all that for trends. You should also break up with your wife we see if you will trend,” he said

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/12/bahati-responds-to-haters-telling-him-to-divorce-diana-marua.html

Friday, December 10, 2021

MKU Comes To the Aid of Milly Nafula, ‘A Student’ Admitted To Moi University 14 Years Ago But Never Joined

14 years ago, Milly Nafula returned to Manor House Secondary in Kitale, anticipating to receive a letter from the Joints Admissions Board (JAB), telling her in which university she had been placed.

A few months prior, Nafula had performed exceptionally well, scoring an A- in her KCSE examination. Thus, she fully expected to join a university.

As the rest of her high performing classmates received their admission letters on that day, Nafula missed out. She lacked the transport money to follow up with JAB in Nairobi opting to contact her district education office instead.

The DEO Trans Nzoia District sent letters to JAB, but no response was received. Not even her local MP was any help.

Nafula thus concluded that JAB had not placed her in any Kenyan university

For the last 14 years she has been doing casual jobs among them Mpesa attendant, waiting hotel tables, etc. having lost hope of ever joining University.

Her story was aired in local stations this week, prompting the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (formally JAB) chief executive Agnes Wahome to issue a statement.

According to her, Nafula, now 32, was actually placed at Moi University in 2008 to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism Management. Her letter was probably lost somewhere between JAB offices and her high school.

Ms Wahome promised to work with the university to see her situation rectified.

“KUCCPS has made contact with the administration of Moi University with a view that the institution takes up the matter, who was Serial Number 22 in the university’s Bachelor of Tourism Management selection list of 2008/09,” said the placement agency.

But in some hopeful news, Nafula may not have to wait for government bureaucracy to play out. Mount Kenya University Chairman Prof. Simon Gicharu has offered her a full scholarship.

The good news was announced on Friday, during the institution’s 20th graduation ceremony.

“This will enable her actualize her dream,” Prof. Gicharu said.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/12/mku-comes-to-the-aid-of-milly-nafula-a-student-admitted-to-moi-university-14-years-ago-but-never-joined.html

We Need NTSA Back on the Roads, Court Told

A petition has been filed at the Milimani Law courts seeking have the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) return on the roads.

The Road Safety Association of Kenya, through its chairman David Kiarie, argues that there is a worrying rise in road accidents and it will only get worse during this festive season if NTSA is not be allowed back on the roads.

Kiarie observed that the recent accident in Kivwe Village in Embu where 15 members died could have been avoided if NTSA was on the roads conducting patrols.

He also cited the Mwingi bus tragedy on December 4 case where 30 people drowned after the bus was swept off a bridge.

“That had NTSA been on the road, the said accident could have been avoided as there would have been compliance with the set road safety measures, The removal of NTSA from the roads and limiting their functions and duties under the NTSA Act, the state has breached the right to life of the 15 victims of Embu county,” reads court papers.

The Association also noted that before the removal of NTSA from Kenyan roads accidents were on the decline.

“But prior to NTSA’s removal from the road by President Uhuru Kenyatta, deaths on the roads were on the decline, but they have now increased exponentially,” Kiarie said through Lawyer Jacob Okoth.

He noted that 4000 people have perished in road accidents since January this year.

The Association also wants  the National Transport Safety Authority directed to raid and impound vehicles with the help of the Inspector General of Police Hillary Mutyambai.

It is also seeking an order directing the IG to allocate sufficient traffic police officers to NTSA for purposes of conducting their functions jointly.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/12/we-want-ntsa-back-on-the-roads-court-told.html

Diana Marua Breaks Down in Tears over Willy Paul Attempted Rape

When Diana Marua was unveiled as a rapper a week ago, Willy Paul was among those who mocked the mother of two.

The controversial hitmaker took a swipe at Marua and her husband Bahati, accusing them of traumatising Kenyans with bad music.

“Tired of listening to bad music from that family? The family of manduru na ma off-keys?? I know most of you are still traumatized coz of that ka incident… don’t worry I got you covered n ready to help,” he said.

Marua responded and claimed that Willy Paul was hating because her debut song hit 1 million views in 3 days.

This escalated into a full-blown beef, with Willy Paul releasing a diss track in which he claimed to have had sexual relations with Marua. Inexplicably, Willy Paul later pulled down the song.

Now, Diana B has dropped a bombshell, detailing a painful and traumatic encounter with Willy Paul.

In a video on her YouTube channel, Diana B said Willy Paul tried to rape her.

It is about time I come out and speak my truth. I’m still in shock and disbelief that someone would go to any extent to clout chase using my name you drag me into your nonsense to get people to watch you and listen to your music. You are going to the extent of saying that you slept with me? Why are you lying to the public? You know what you did. Why are you lying?” Marua posed.

She went on: “Your album is not doing well. Your music career is sinking. Then out of the blues you come and drag my name? I have been quiet for a while now but I’m going to release it today.”

Diana said her encounter with ‘Bwana Mkunaji’ happened when she used to live in Syokimau.

“A few years ago, Willy Paul pursued me for quite a while, I used to live at Greatwall Apartments, Syokimau.

“I was at the movie shop, Willy paul came in he was all touchy, he tells me, ‘Let’s go to your place we talk’. I told him, ‘I cannot allow you to come to my place because I don’t know you’. He was arrogant. Then he said we can talk in the car. I agreed to avoid the drama. I got in the car. He locked the car and drove off,” Marua narrated.

Diana B explained why she has finally decided to speak out, noting that it took her three years to tell Bahati about the attempted rape.

“It has taken me so long to even share this story with my own husband. It took me 3 years before I opened up to Bahati about what I went through. I have been pushed to talk about this. So many women have come out to talk about this but their voices have not been heard. I will stand for my truth. I have a voice,” she stated.

Marua went on to narrate what happened in Willy Paul’s car, “He put on loud music. I was like what are you doing where are we going. He was speeding. I opted to be cool.”

She added; “We got to some apartments after Gateway mall and he tells me we go to his place. I refused and told him to return me home. He got angry and got on top of me.”

Marua broke down in tears as memories of the sexual assault came flooding back.

“I can feel the shivers on my body now remembering this. He started pulling my skirt up and tore my skirt and top. I kept telling him to get off me I started screaming and he choked me to stop me from screaming. Eventually, in the process of screaming he panicked and let me go, I took that chance and ran away,” Marua said.

She then hailed a bodaboda and returned home.

Reached for comment, Willy Paul said he would respond to the allegations at Kiss FM on Friday.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/12/diana-marua-breaks-down-in-tears-recalling-willy-paul-attempted-rape.html

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Mary Wambui Released on Bail Over Sh2 Billion Tax Evasion

Businesswoman Mary Wambui was on Thursday arraigned at the Milimani Law Courts over tax evasion charges.

After evading a police dragnet on Wednesday night, Wambui and her co-accused daughter, Purity Njoki, presented themselves before Anti-Corruption Magistrate Felix Kombo.

An arrest warrant had been issued against the two for contempt of summons by the Kenya Revenue Authority.

Wambui and Njoki are directors of Purma holdings limited which has been listed as the first accused. They are accused of evading taxes amounting to over Sh.2 billion.

“On or before June 30, 2015, in Nairobi County being a limited liability company registered as a taxpayer and its directors; knowingly and unlawfully omitted from the company’s income tax returns Ksh.2,231,789,125 an amount which should have been included in the income tax returns submitted to the commissioner for the year of income 2014,” reads the charge sheet.

They pleaded not guilty to seven counts of omitting tax returns.

Magistrate Kombo released them on Sh50 million bond with a surety of Sh25 million each or a cash bail of Sh25 million each.

The court further directed Wambui and Njoki to deposit all their travelling documents including a temporary permit for the Republic of Zambia belonging to Wambui.

“They will not travel out of Kenya. This order shall be served on the immigration department,” Kombo said.

The judge further directed that once they settle their bail, they should present themselves to DCI KRA on December 14 for internal processing.

The case will be mentioned on December 16, 2021.

Mary Wambui is a member of the Friends of Jubilee Foundation lobby which raised millions of shillings for President Uhuru Kenyatta’s re-election campaign in 2017 in just two hours.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/12/mary-wambui-released-on-bail-over-sh2-billion-tax-evasion.html

Everything Trending in Nairobi This Jamhuri Weekend

The month is quickly coming to an end, and the year with it. On this Jamhuri weekend, here’s what’s trending.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/12/everything-trending-in-nairobi-this-jamhuri-weekend-2.html