Tuesday, October 5, 2021

‘Mungu Ni Mkubwa, Mwizi Amepatikana…’ Oscar Sudi Reacts to Kenyatta Pandora Papers

As expected, political leaders allied to Deputy President William Ruto have started sinking their teeth into the ICIJ Pandora Papers leaks that exposed President Uhuru Kenyatta’s wealth held in secret offshore accounts.

One of Ruto’s fiercest attack dogs, Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi, pulled no punches as he launched a scathing attack against the Kenyatta family.

Speaking during the funeral of the late Jane Barno, Sudi said he was happy about the Pandora Papers leak and thanked God for it.

“I was very happy yesterday when I saw the Pandora Papers expose…You will remember when Interior CS Fred Matiang’i did a lifestyle audit on DP Ruto, I told him he should also conduct one on the President… I also told him that I would help him conduct the audit…But God is great because we saw yesterday that there are big businessmen running secret companies, one of which is worth more than Sh30 billion,” said Sudi.

The outspoken MP mentioned that he was particularly happy because the ICIJ Pandora Papers expose was done by international media rather than local.

Further, Oscar Sudi said he was happy that President Kenyatta has welcomed further scrutiny of his wealth.

“God is great. He will show us all the thieves. The first thief was caught yesterday and now more thieves are going to be found out,” Sudi said amid cheers.

Sudi also it was disheartening that one family can be hiding billions of shillings in offshore accounts while Kenyans are suffering.

Schools are reopening next week and some parents aren’t sure if their children will go back o school due to economic hardships…… Kenyans’ offshore are Mpesa, Fuliza, Mshwari, shylocks, Tala…” said Sudi.

Watch the Mp’s full remarks in the video below.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/10/oscar-sudi-reacts-to-kenyatta-pandora-papers.html

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