Celebrated gospel singer Kambua Mutsembi and her husband Jackson Mathu are in mourning following the passing of their newborn baby Malachi Manundu Muthiga Mathu.
The television presenter made the sad announcement on social media Monday evening revealing that baby Malachi fell ill with doctors trying their best to save his life.
“What a privilege it has been carrying a life yet again. My little baby boy Malachi made a grand entrance into the world a few days ago. He was everything we hoped for, and more, much more. Perfect in every way. Malachi knew how much he was loved, and so he did all he could to stay with us. With the help of a most dedicated team of doctors & nurses, our little baby fought, until Jesus healed him by taking him to Himself,” she wrote.
Kambua noted that Malachi is in a better place free from pain and any worldly care.
“Our tears fall freely because our hearts are broken beyond words. But our faith and hope remains unshaken because we have our trust in a dependable God. A good, good Father. We may not know how to navigate the days ahead, but God does. And so we trust Him, a moment at a time.” she shared.
Kambua added: “Malachi Manundu Muthiga Mathu. You were deeply loved, and will forever be remembered. Your Father, your mommy, and your brother Nathaniel, will carry you in our hearts always Please allow us some time to process all of this, we will respond to your calls and messages in due time.”
Following the announcement, thousands of the singer’s fans joined the Mathu family in mourning, taking to various social media platforms to console with them.
Here are some of the condolence messages from Kenyans on Twitter.
All things work together for good to those who love God.. to you my sister @Kambua hold on to Him and your tears will be wiped away..
— Churchill (@MwalimChurchill) February 15, 2021
Kambua losing her son really broke my heart
— Dee
(@missy_kerubo) February 15, 2021
#Kambua, even in the most trying times, her faith just like Job is unshaken.This is grace on another level!
May God’s peace surround you
— Atieno Akumu (@AtienoAkumu1) February 15, 2021
@Kambua My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family my darling.
— Lindah Oguttu (@lindahoguttu) February 15, 2021
Kambua all shall be well soon dear, hold fast to this faith.
— Kawangware Finest
Super Metro Ambassador (@cbs_ke) February 15, 2021
Kambua’s pain and tears will be wiped away and joy restored, in the fullness of time.
(@Anita_Wangarii) February 15, 2021
Grief is a hard thing to go through. I cannot imagine what Kambua is going through even after losing my dad in December last year.
May God the father of all comfort strengthen them during this difficult time. It is well— SacheFitness
(@sachefitt) February 15, 2021
How one deals with the loss of a child in the public eye is beyond my imagination. Kambua is brave even in the worst of sorrows. may God’s all embracing kindness & grace put all the broken pieces back together
— SUBMISSIVE DaktariLinnie
(@LinniewaGC) February 15, 2021
Hugs and lots of love @Kambua
Great thing you know the solid foundation.
May He heal, comfort n grasp you under His wings.— Fridah Gacheri (@kibukofridah) February 15, 2021
The agony of losing a child of any age is hurting. Feeling for Kambua and her family.
(@FellMentKE) February 15, 2021
oh my heart
Prayers up for Kambua pic.twitter.com/5iVnePmlCv
— TerriAnn Kibiriti (@terrikibiriti) February 15, 2021
Dear Kambua no situation is permanent. Remember the story of Job in the Bible who lost everything including his own family but God intervened and multiplied his blessings. All shall be well dee, my thoughts and prayers are with you and God is going to make a way.
(@AmozKipchirchir) February 15, 2021
Kambua is such a strong woman, it shall be well with her
— Ayo (@ayorinde254) February 15, 2021
May God rest Malachi’s soul in eternal peace under Jesus’s feet
… May God comfort and strengthen kambua and her family…
— M’mugania Chris
(@ChrisNtomugania) February 15, 2021
It’s so unfortunate losing a child one has been waiting for months. Feeling for Kambua and her family.
— Kimanzi®
(@Kimanzi_) February 15, 2021
Kambua, You’ve been through alot & this is definitely even harder. It’s not an easy battle that you have been fighting & don’t stop fighting you’ll overcome. It may feel like the enemy is winning but God is setting a bigger table for you. I pray God sees you through this.
— BRAVIN YURI (@BravinYuri) February 15, 2021
Kambua saw me through my poor health last year on days, I was wondering if I was going to make it. She held my hand, prayed everyday without fail. To read her post on IG about her new born has me broken into pieces
— Captain Ozwald (
) MBE (
) Living & Loving (
) (@VinieO) February 15, 2021
I don’t know what to say. I can’t imagine what you’re going through Kambua
. You will get over it
I pray.
— Valentine Mwamburi (@ValentineMwamb3) February 15, 2021
May God give Kambua strength and grace…
— Annitah Raey (@AnnitahRaey) February 15, 2021
The agony of losing a child of any age is unparalleled. It is the loneliest, most desolate journey a person can take and it is a degree of suffering that is almost impossible to grasp without experiencing it firsthand.
Kambua and all experiencing this we pray for youpic.twitter.com/EvR6uadwVb
— Muriuki
(@MuriukiEugene) February 15, 2021
Losing a baby is the hardest thing a parent can go through. In my adult life, I can say it really was the worst moments of my life and I have been through it twice. Really feeling for Kambua
— Wangene Maina (@wangenem) February 15, 2021
My heart is so broken. Losing a child is devastating. Let us all hold Kambua in our prayers.
— Wanjiru Kihusa (@wanjirukihusa) February 15, 2021
A parent should never get to burry his/her child. It’s a tragedy one should never go through. I share in your lose Kambua and family. May you find solace in Christ our Lord, during this trying moment.
— it’s Vinnie (@vinnikim) February 15, 2021
Kambua has really been through it man
I hope her and the family will come out strong
— Kayeli (@ThisIsKayeli) February 15, 2021
I will rest, in your promises. My confidence is in what you say
— Kambua (@Kambua) February 12, 2021
Thank you so much for the outpouring of love. My heart is so full
— Kambua (@Kambua) May 18, 2019
source http://nairobiwire.com/2021/02/kenyans-condole-with-kambua-over-death-of-newborn.html
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