Sunday, February 28, 2021

Homa Bay Woman Beheads One-year-old Son For Refusing To Breastfeed

Residents of Ng’ope village in Ndhiwa, Homa Bay County are still reeling from shock after a young mother beheaded her son for refusing to suckle.

According to media reports, 23-year-old Night Akoth Otieno killed her one-year-old son, Briton Ochieng’, on Saturday at around 9 pm.

Confirming the incident, Konyago sub–Location assistant chief Gabriel Nyatame said the woman’s husband was away at the time. He noted the woman suffers from a mental disorder.

It is said the toddler was crying incessantly when Ms Akoth deciding to breastfeed him. However, the child declined to feed and continued to cry.

“She was angered when her third born son refused to breastfeed after making several attempts,” the administrator told Radio Ramogi.

The woman left momentarily and returned with a machete(panga). In a fit of fury, the woman first threw the baby on the floor before slitting his throat and severing the head from the rest of the body.

Residents who rushed to the scene tied the woman’s hands and alerted the assistant chief Nyatame who filed a report at Ndhiwa Police Station.

Nyatame said upon interrogation, the woman confessed that she beheaded her son after he refused to breastfeed.

“I rushed to the scene and found the child had been beheaded. Residents had tied her (mother) hands with a sisal rope,” the administrator said.

“We do not know the main reason why the woman killed her son. However, she is saying she killed him because she tried several times to breastfeed the baby, but he declined,” Nyatame added.

Ndhiwa Sub-county Police Commander Robert Aboki said the woman would be arraigned in court Monday, March 1.

The infant’s body was moved to the Manyatta Nursing Home mortuary at Kobodo trading center.


4 Primary School Children Caught With Marijuana in School

Police in Kirinyaga County arrested four school-going children for being in possession of several rolls of marijuana in school.

Kirinyaga East Sub-County Police Commander, Anthony Wanjuu, said the 4 pupils who are in Standard 7 and 8, confessed to smoking weed in school.

“They told us they have been smoking bhang during lunch and break time,” said Wanjuu.

The police boss also said they recovered a matchbox from the pupils after they were frisked.

The Sub-County commander said the pupils were arrested and taken to Kianyaga Police Station for interrogation. He mentioned this was the first case of that nature to be reported in the area.

Wanjuu further warned the government will not sit and watch drug peddlers ruin the lives of school-going children in the area.

“We have learnt the learners are buying bhang from notorious drug peddlers, and we are pursuing them,” he said.

The officer further called upon parents to monitor their children and caution them from using drugs.

“It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that their children don’t abuse drugs which are being sold by unscrupulous traders in the area,” he said.


CRAZY: Funny Pics/Memes Going Viral on Social Media

Our weekly compilation of the craziest images and memes doing rounds in the Kenyan interwebs.


The Trending Pics in Nairobi This Monday

As we start a new week and a new month, this is what’s trending on Twitter today.


My Struggle With Big Breasts: 3.5kgs Were Taken Off My Chest

Pauline Buoga, 25, was born with gigantomastia, a rare condition characterized by excessive breast growth.

After a challenging upbringing in which she was taunted by her peers, Buoga underwent breast reduction surgery two years ago that took 3.5 kgs off her chest.

She shared her story with


“‘Stop slouching, we already see them,’ this woman walked over to me and whispered as I walked home from school one day. I was 10 years old then and I had taken notice that my breasts were too big for my age. My classmates had noted too and whenever we went out to play, they would taunt me about the breasts.

I thought of myself as different from everyone else because neither my age mates nor my sisters had such big breasts. I am the second born in a family of four. To get rid of the unwanted attention, I withdrew. I was that girl who always had urgent “classwork” to work on when other students were going out for P.E or I would feign sickness. Worried about my new change of attitude, my parents enrolled me in an only girls’ school. That gave me some ease but each time we had an event such as a music festival, boys from other schools would take notice and they would make snide remarks.

At 15, and now in secondary school, my bra cup size was 36 J which is considered a plus-size bra for adult women, and was just but a teenager. Because my torso was small, it had to be taken to the tailor for adjusting and I must say that shopping for the bras was an arduous experience because they were not easy to find. I discovered that if I wore two bras, it gave the breasts a better lift. I also had one favourite jumper that I wore almost all the time as it helped hide the breasts.

Because of my bosom, I could have easily passed for a breastfeeding woman at 19 years. On occasions that I went shopping for my clothes, sellers would direct me to the kids’ section to shop for “my children.”

As a result, I had to mature very fast. I wore baggy clothes and wigs that you’ll mostly see on older women. When people said that I had a babyface, I didn’t bother to correct them and say I was a young woman trapped in a grown woman’s body. I played the part. When it came to dating, I found myself mostly attracted to heavily built men so that they would appear bigger than me. Looking back, I think I lost a huge part of my teenagehood living in a shell.

I don’t quite remember the day that I decided to embrace my boobs but it is partly because of the support that I was receiving from my family and close friends. Also, I am a believer and the more I prayed about it, the more I started to feel beautiful and good about myself. I started dressing up my age, socialising, and leading praise sessions in church.

Soon after, friends started sending me links and messages with TV channels holding conversations on gigantomastia. They would say, “You might find this helpful.” With this information at hand, we sought medical help and the doctor attending to me confirmed that I had a rare breast condition that causes excessive breast growth. My grandmother had the same condition but due to lack of information, many concluded that her breasts were just bigger than the normal size.

However, even after the diagnosis, it took me two years before I agreed to go for surgery. It’s funny because, for the longest time, I hoped for a solution. Now that it was here, I had another conflict. As a believer, I was skeptical about breast reduction surgery. I wondered, “What if it was God’s ultimate plan for me to live like this? What if the operation doesn’t offer the expected outcome?” What if….. It was a tough decision that was made easier by prayers and acceptance that I was doing the right thing. I had told other believers including my pastor to pray for me and they all encouraged me to go for it.

Through the help of the Gigantomastia Foundation, an organisation that assists women who have no funds for breast reduction surgery, I had my operation done on December 14, 2019. When I woke up from that bed, I felt very light. About 3.5kgs had been taken off my chest. I am two years post gigantomastia and through my social media platforms and offline networks, I encourage others to go for the surgery but even before they do that, to embrace themselves.

Notably, even after the surgery, which took a month to heal, you still have to deal with scars and a big belly. No operation can take that away which is a subtle message that self-esteem is an inside job.”


Hilarious Posts by Kenyans on Social Media For Your Monday Blues

Your weekly dose of random funny posts going viral on the Kenyan interwebs to help kick away those Monday Blues.


Career Path With National Oil General Manager Alex Magu

Alex Magu is the General Manager, Finance, Trade, and Treasury at National Oil Corporation of Kenya.

With over 20 years of experience in Financial and Treasury management, Mr Magu has held various senior positions in the financial sector including Chief Transformation Officer at Family Bank, Founder – Credit Sawa Limited, and the Head of Finance at Kenya Orient Insurance Limited.

The 45-year-old shared his career-path with Sunday Nation.

“I am the eldest of three children and I took after my dad who was a Chief Accountant for over 20 years until his retirement. My mum was a Theatre Nurse. We were raised in a peri-rural setting though I went to a day school in Nairobi, a 30 minutes’ drive from where we lived.

I attended Visa Oshwal Primary and later I joined Strathmore School Secondary before proceeding to Strathmore College for my CPA (K). I later went to United States International University (USIU) for my undergraduate in Finance and University of Nairobi where a pursued a Masters in Strategy and an Advanced Management Program at IESE Business School Barcelona.

I started off my career as an analyst at a stockbrokerage firm back in 1996. I was making KShs12,000 as a stipend while doing my CPA (K). After graduation, I went to Uganda for fun and work as an Audit Manager. At the age of 26, I became the Chief Accountant of a Microdeposit. In 2010 I returned to Kenya as Chief Finance Officer (CFO) of a local Insurance firm, tried my hand in enterprise but did not succeed, and eventually switched sectors to where I am today.

Career journey

Throughout my career journey what I remember most is the gratification of turning around struggling businesses in different sectors. My career progression has been a journey of highs and lows. I still have more productive years ahead but largely I have been fortunate and I thank God.

Hard work and dedication are fundamental to professional growth. Success and failures are part of any profession.

In my 20 years’ career experience I have learnt to always listen before acting. People who influenced my career trajectory are my mentor in University, my spiritual guide, and my wife. They helped keep me real and sane.

The key decision I ever made in my career journey was trying a shot in enterprise. I founded CreditSawa, the first virtual credit marketplace that enabled loan auctioning and peer-to-peer lending. It was a Digital Market Place for Financial Services and lenders viewed it as an inexpensive tool to access market segments that they couldn’t reach.

The enterprise however closed down due to the Interest Rate Capping law that was passed and effected in September 2018. From this, I learnt useful lessons on what is needed to run a business beyond Financial Management.

Message to my younger self would be…its okay to cry in public sometimes.


Meet ‘SunRays Rent-a-Car’ Director Francisca Rangya

Francisca Rangya is the managing director at Sunrays Rent A Car Safaris Limited, a car hire, and tours and travel company based in Nairobi.

She shares some quickfire tidbits about the business.


We started this business in 2005. We have hit a number of milestones over the past sixteen years. But there is no milestone that beats the pride we got from getting a contract from the American Embassy in July 2015. We were contracted for the transport and logistics of the historical visit of Barack Obama to Kenya. I took a lot of prestige in that job. It was a moment of vindication that even a local company run by a woman can be trusted.

I have had the opportunity to be part of the SheTrades Commonwealth Forum. This is a forum that trains and supports women-owned businesses with over 51 percent shareholding by women. Out of this, I have learned the importance of separating personal and business accounts. You cannot achieve cash flow if you use the same account for your individual and business expenditures, investments, and savings. The forum has been seeking to connect up to one million women entrepreneurs to the global market.

I currently do not have a money-saving method. Previously, I saved my money using the money market fund. I don’t save without a goal, and prefer to direct my funds elsewhere until I get a solid financial goal. I have learned that there is no reward in hurrying to make more money. Be patient. There is no quick money in business. It takes time to build a solid enterprise and for the money to come in.

The year 2020 was not good for business. The coronavirus resulted in our biggest business loss yet. Our revenue relied 80 percent on corporate and international clientele. However, we managed to stay afloat by leveraging on our partnerships. We have since shifted to the business to business model (a transaction between businesses) within the local market which is working out well. Since July last year, we have been on the recovery journey. The business is now able to pay for its statutory bills and salaries despite the prolonged impact of Covid-19. At the very least, we have broken even from the economic ravages of year 2020, and can now aim for profits.

Passion and efficiency go hand in hand. You must love what you do for you to be effective. Sweat it out until you accomplish your goal. Manu Chandaria, one of the business leaders I admire, says that you must never stop until you can feel the heat in your belly.

Sunrays Rent A Car Safaris is a family business. Family businesses can be both the easiest and hardest to operate. We have seen giant family-owned businesses collapse due to a lack of proper systems and structures. To avoid this route, we have deployed several strategies which include consistency, passion and commitment, personalized customer service, infusion of technology, and merit-based decision-making processes.


My Excruciating Battle With Sickle Cell Disease

Joe Mudukiza has been fighting for his health his whole life after he was diagnosed with sickle cell disease when he was just six months old.

He shared his story via Saturday Magazine.


I can’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t battling an ailment. When I was in high school, my mother told me that I had been diagnosed with sickle cell disease when I was just six months old.

I’m only 25, and my life has been about putting on a strong face to hide my pain from my parents while battling a sickness that threatens to shatter all my optimism about the future.

My primary and high school years were spent in an out of the hospital.

In place of my name, Joe Mudukiza, they called me “The sick boy” because that’s the Joe they knew. I strived hard to shake off the “sick boy” label, but as you can imagine, that was hard to do now that hospitals had become my second home.

To date, people still taunt me with “The sick boy” name because I can’t do any manual tasks and those who don’t understand what sickle cell disease does to the body think I am just lazy.


My mother told me that she decided to disclose my condition when I joined high school because I was going to a boarding facility and would no longer be under her immediate care. It shattered me. But even scarier were the facts all around me about life expectancy for people like me.

I’m still incredulous yet ever so grateful, having celebrated my 25-year-birthday and looking forward to turning 26 in August 2021.

I was told once that I would die when I turned 16; I did not. I was later added only three years to live and was to die at 19, but well, here I am.

Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a genetic condition that involves the red blood cells changing to a crescent shape from a smooth circular shape which results in small blood vessels being blocked.

According to statistics by the Ministry of Health, 6,000 children are born with SCD each year, while approximately 240,000 are born with SCD in Africa annually.

Among them, between 50 to 80 percent die before their fifth birthday, while those who manage to survive have to live with recurrent complications and pain, which can interfere with many aspects of their lives such as education, psychosocial development and employment.

Why me?

 Of course, in my moments of despair, I also asked myself: Why me? Because I was the only one among my siblings who had the disease. I have a cousin who is also a survivor.

As I was always out of school, either in a hospital or at home receiving care, my academic performance was dismal. I could not participate in any sports, and because sickle cell stunted my growth, I had a tiny body and was an easy target for bullies, so I kept to myself.

My parents tried both Western and herbal medicine because they were desperate to see me whole again. Nothing seemed to be able to save me.

But perhaps the most significant health challenge my family dealt with was when my father fell sick and was diagnosed with gastro oesophageal cancer in 2019.

I fell sick around the time that he was in the hospital. I was admitted at Mbale Hospital while he was at Alexandria Cancer Centre.

My eldest sister, Maureen Ajami, opted not to tell my parents that I was in the hospital to save them from worrying. My father thought that the reason I had not gone to see him was that I did not care about him, and that broke my heart.

It was a challenging period. When the time came for dad to undergo a bile duct operation, I was admitted to a hospital in Nairobi. He thought that I didn’t care about his welfare, as I was nowhere to take care of him. My siblings could, however, not inform him about my predicament.

He died while undergoing chemotherapy treatment just a day before my scheduled operation for my hip joint on February 11, 2021.

I have not gone for the operation, and I am currently at my family home in Muge, Rift Valley. We were forced to move from Lumakanda Kakamega County a day before my father was buried due to land-related issues that he had not cleared with his brothers. We were literally asked to move out.

I have lived in Mbale with my grandparents since 2017.

I only travel for treatment in Nairobi when it’s critical.

Not a walk in the park

I realised that it is tough to keep a job when you are always on sick leave. I’m currently a drama teacher in a high school, but my family often chips in to supplement my income. Additionally, I use my networks to help children with sickle cell disease or who are battling any other rare disease that society hardly understands.

That said, my greatest support system are my students, who, despite my condition, treat me like any other normal person.

Although I’m a basketball enthusiast, sports are a big no for me as they are tantamount to direct hospitalisation.

Then there are relationships. It just does not work with sickle cell. I have a three-year-old child with my girlfriend, but I’m yet to get married.

As of now, I can only hope for a miracle now. I had been referred to Nairobi Hospital for a hip joint surgery which cost Sh800,000.

Living with sickle cell can be likened to having to face your mortality each day. I live in excruciating pain daily. The kind of pain that feels like an insidious monster ravaging your body on the inside but rarely visible on the outside.

It means being in a constant state of limbo because you have no idea when the next crisis is going to strike, and your life comes to an abrupt halt.

You have no clue about how terrible your anguish will be or for how long it will last.

What is more, it means putting your life on hold.

You cannot even do the simple things that most people take for granted!

I experience painful spasms, which occur specifically in my arms, legs, joints and which have since spread all over my body since I entered adulthood.

They are usually excruciating, cyclic convulsions that occur rapidly, causing sensations that can only be likened to someone skinning me alive, forcing broken pieces of glass into my veins.

Each time I go to the hospital, I console myself and new attendants that I’m used to it.

It is a big lie. The truth is, I have never gotten used to it. It isn’t easy, and I’m the only one who knows it.

It takes every iota of my sheer willpower to survive another day. I might be walking around in the streets with a smile brightening up my face but deep down, I’m crumbling.

My greatest fear is waking up daily, being constantly reminded of the odds that I could be breathing my last. I detest my birthdays as they are among the darkest of my memories.

I wish people would identify me as Joe first. I am not ‘sickle-cell.’ It is just a condition that resides in me.


My Hustle – From Hawking To Self-taught Tattoo Artist Doing Genital Piercings

Eliamin Ali(@Eliamin ink) is one of the well-known tattoo artists in Kenya. This self-taught artist who was once a hawker has worked with celebrities such as Otile Brown, Diamond, and Khaligraph Jones.

Ali spoke to The Nairobian about his hustle.


You have made art your business, how have you perfected it?
Arts was my passion since childhood. Before I settled on tattooing, I started by drawing and customising T-shirts. I used to draw images on paper and later, I moved to canvas. At the same time, I perfected working on customised t-shirts since 2009.

Talking of startup, how was it?
My journey in arts dates back to 2008, the year I did my KCPE. I didn’t perform well and due to financial constraints, I did not proceed further. Light dimmed on my dream to excel in education. I was living in Migadini in the coastal region where I was born and raised. I stepped out to look for greener pastures. I moved to Nairobi and stayed in Majengo estate. It is here that my art work was birthed.

I started off working as a broker at the Gikomba market, where I would negotiate a price for a shoe, picked off the bales to interested customers. First, I would strike a sale price with the customer, which had a small commission for my effort before I direct them to the stall selling the item. The more clients I brought the higher pay I earned. In the process, I saved money and moved to Shauri Moyo where I opened a car wash business in partnership with a friend.
However, as I was doing all these hustles, I was busy perfecting my skills in art. I used to get T-shirts at the same Gikomba, customise them, then sell at a premium price.

When did you make a breakthrough in arts business?
It is while at Shauri Moyo where I had created a good chain of friends that a painting opportunity came. The Nairobi City Council gave us a tender, together with my friends,  to paint some city council buildings, including the Shauri Moyo police station. We worked for two weeks but, unfortunately, we were never paid. While still feeling dejected after the deal fell through, I bumped into a friend, who had inked a big tattoo of his father’s face on his chest. I had perfected my skills in drawing by then. It inspired me to try my hand in tattoo art.

I inquired from him the person behind the art masterpiece and he introduced me to him. The rest is history. Then, it was manual tattooing using normal needles and ink derived from smashed tomatoes, mixed with car dust. I perfected my work there and I was good to go.

From there, I researched how I could make my work unique and perfect. I visited a friend in the city’s Central Business District, who did graffiti for matatus. He had a machine for tattoos and it’s there that my star started shining. I was encouraged and aspired to own mine. Luckily, in that struggle, I got a client who loved my work and he linked me to Gertrude Children’s Hospital in Muthaiga, where I was got a tender to draw an art mural in 2011.

Being your first tender, how would you describe the deal?
It was like my lifetime pay. By then, I had closed the car wash and opened a small mutumba business at Mtindwa but it wasn’t bringing in much. The deal got me to drop the business, bought the machine, and started my life in Jericho because all along I was staying with friends.

What does art mean to you?
Art is a full-time job, which pays my bills. At the same time, it’s a medicine, people use art to relieve their pain in a different way.

What are the demographic profiles of people getting tattooed?
When I started, it was only embraced by youth. Today, more mature people are coming out to get the ink, they are allowing their bodies to become canvas for ink artists. In addition, there are advances in machines used for tattooing and trends keeps on changing. Today, you find more mature people inking their faces with tattoos. We have people inking their parent’s or kid’s face on their skin. It has become a common trend, especially for people, who seek unique ways to remember departed souls.

Do you do piercing?
Yes, I do all kinds of body piercing – be it public or private. It depends on client requests, though the common areas cherished by many are the nose, clit, nipples, and belly button.

Why are youth embracing piercing and tattooing of private parts?
Piercing of private parts of the body brings flavour in sexiness. Their is a sense of fulfilment for people who pierce their genitals whenever they make love…. piercing enhances arousal and pleasure during the play same applies to tattoos. There are partners who elicit extra arousal just by touching or seeing the tattoos. In short, it gives more pleasure to partners.

How did you feel the first time you worked on one’s private part?
My first experience was tough. I had hard time working on it but the more I kept doing the more I got used to it. Right now, I am used to it. I am a professional. I work with discipline and my focus is on on my work and not the client’s genitals.

How are tattoos categorised?
Tattoos are categorised as private when one doesn’t want them seen by everyone (public). They are mostly done underneath the boobs, in between the thighs, on the butt and other parts that are considered private. For public, it’s visible by everyone.

Describe the kind of tattoos you do?
I work on all types of tattoos. I believe tattoos are just tattoos because at the end of the day someone trusts me to ink a permanent mark on their body.

Are tattoos a bad culture or do you think it’s unreal perception?
To me tattoo is just like any other art work that’s applied on the body. Tattoos bring confidence to people, especially those who carry physical scars. They find it hard to walk when visible. In short, there is nothing bad about tattooing, it is just like any other art that adds beauty to the body.

What challenges have encountered and how do you deal with them?
Tattooing and piercing have bad times, especially during cold weather conditions. Most clients avoid inking during the cold season but I have diversified to other types of art like painting, T-shirts customising and doing graffiti for matatus.

Are their tattoos you have worked on which appeal to emotions?
Yes, right now I am working on a breast cancer survivor to cover her scars. Working on such clients gives me the privilege of being part of their recovery journey. It makes me value my job to give hope and confidence to such clients.

There those who says tattooing is therapy, is there any truth in it?
Yes, I have worked on people who are distressed, heartbroken or those enduring the pain of losing a loved one but upon working on them, they get better, some even heal completely.  This happens mostly during tattooing process, people have different expression of anger reliever. Some will scream during the process while others prefer applying the image of anger as a sign of disappointment.

What kind of tattoos do majority prefer during these moments?
Those with heartbreaks mostly request for an angry lion symbol to show their  disappointment or a flying bird as sign of freedom. For mourners, they request images of their departed kin to be inked next to their heart or hand.

How do you deal with clients who have their partners’ images on their skin and upon break up, they ask for removal?
Before taking up an assignment, I advise and try to discourage them. I also give them time to think over it and decide though majority who come in with such requests are mature people who have been married for quite some time. In case of a change of mind, I use lasers in the removal process.

Who are some of the celebrities you have worked on?
I worked on Diamond Platinum’s tattoo, Otile Brown, Nazizi and I also worked on Khaligraph Jones, Talia Oyando and so many celebrities. I felt privileged because it gives me the feel of how good my work tag is out there. Majority of celebrities I get them through referrals or my social media handles, which is a sign that my work is being appreciated out there.

How much does it cost to do a tattoo?
I charge between Sh2,500 and Sh200,000. The least I have ever charged was Sh1,000 for a dot tattoo while the highest was Sh180,000.


Thursday, February 25, 2021

‘Serikali Saidia!’ Kakamega Man Cries After Wife Elopes With Their ‘Shamba Boy’

A man from Kakamega county is calling on the government to intervene in his marital troubles after his wife eloped with their gardener.

Aggrey Masinde, from Kirwa village in Likuyani, said the mother of their five children ran away from their matrimonial home under the guise of visiting her ‘ailing’ aunt.

K24 reports that Masinde sold his chickens to facilitate his wife’s travel.

“Last week, she told me that her uncle’s wife was ailing and wanted to visit her. I gave her money. I did not know she had planned to elope with our male house-help. She did not return home after days. I, thereafter, went to her parents’ home in Sirisia, Bungoma County, where I was told that she hadn’t arrived home,” the aggrieved man was quoted as saying.

“I had sold several chickens to raise her bus-fare, Ksh2,400. She also took my shop goods worth Ksh50,000 with her. I am urging the government to help me get my wife and children back,” he urged.

Masinde, who operates a retail shop in Kirwa, further wondered: “Why would my wife leave me for a man who looks after cows?”

He added: “I am too embarrassed to even walk in the village because people are ridiculing me all the time.”

Human rights activist in Kakamega, Elimina Mmbone, confirmed the matter to K24 saying Masinde rushed to her home on Wednesday, February 24 to seek help.

“This man ran to my house, screaming that his houseboy had stolen his wife. He was crying, literally. He said he was disappointed that after spending years with his wife, and getting five children with her, she decided to leave him for a younger man of a lower social status,” said Mmbone.

According to the activist, the man’s wife had been having a secret affair with their help for some time.

“The houseboy has been in a secret relationship with the man’s wife for a while now. Every time the woman’s husband leaves, he (houseboy) sneaks back to the house to engage in intimacy with his boss’s spouse. Masinde says he wants his wife and children back to the house, stating he lawfully married his partner, and even paid her dowry,” said Mmbone.


BBI Is Good For Business, President Kenyatta Says

President Uhuru Kenyatta has said the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) constitutional reform process will better the business environment in the country.

The President said reform proposals such as the seven-year tax holiday proposed by the BBI will guarantee the survival of business start-ups in the country.

“In fact, the BBI initiative, which is about constitutional change and legislative change as well, will facilitate this process. Through the legislative aspect of BBI, we intend to provide a seven-year tax holiday for young entrepreneurs like the 750 grantees of this project,” President Kenyatta said.

He noted that the tax holiday will assist young entrepreneurs to plough back their profits into business and grow their enterprises.

“Instead of taking 1 billion shillings in taxes from the 250 young entrepreneurs in 7 years, we are proposing to have them retain this money and expand their endeavours,” the President said.

The Head of State spoke Wednesday at Moi International Sports Centre, Kasarani where he unveiled the 750 winners of the ‘MbeleNaBiz’ business plan competition and launched the 2020 to 2024 Youth Enterprise Development Fund (YEDF) strategic plan.

The business plan competition is a component of the 1.3 billion World Bank funded Kenya Youth Employment and Opportunities Project (KYEOP). KYEOP’s objective is to create new and expand existing youth-led enterprises by providing them with grant financing and business training.

A total of 11,737 youth participated in the competition out of which 750 emerged winners. From the winners, 250 participants were awarded grants of Shs 3.6 million while 500 were granted Shs 900,000 each.

On YEDF, the President said the Fund, which is one of the Government’s strategies to address youth unemployment through entrepreneurship has to-date supported 2 million youth with loans worth Shs13.5 billion.

He said the plan launched today will raise the revolving Fund from Shs 4.5 billion to Shs 5.5 billion and is expected to raise loans disbursement to Shs 16 billion in five years.

“I am pleased to note that the Fund has disbursed a total of Ksh. 501 million in loans since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in Kenya. These loans have helped to sustain youth owned enterprises, thereby enabling them to diversify into new opportunities, and to maintain employees.

“The plan we launch today aims to transform the Fund into an efficient and responsive entity that meets the needs of our young people. We consulted widely; we listened keenly; the plan is our attempt to align the work of the Fund with the expectations and aspirations of our young people.

President Kenyatta expressed optimism That YEDF, which also offers training to the youth on how to grow their businesses, will enable young entrepreneurs to recover from losses incurred during the COVID-19 pandemic.

World Bank Kenya Country Director Keith Hansen said the Kenyan economy has shown remarkable resilience in confronting the COVID-19 and thanked the Government for taking steps to manage the situation.

He expressed gratitude that 33 percent of the winners of the business plan competition are women noting that the enterprises which have a multiplier effect are a model to be utilized elsewhere in the world.

Other speaker were the ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs CS Joe Mucheru and Chief Administrative Secretary in the Ministry Nadia Abdala.

Education CS Prof George Magoha and his trade counterpart Betty Maina were among several senior Government officials at the event.


Copyright Board Cautions Against ‘Firirinda’ Craze Citing ‘Jerusalema’ Fees Demand

The Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO) has cautioned Kenyans against jumping on the ‘Firirinda’ bandwagon without asking for consent from the song’s creator.

The now-viral song was released more than 35 years ago by Dick Njoroge alias Munyonyi, who now depends on well-wishers for upkeep as he cannot sing anymore after he lost his voice.

The Kikuyu oldie re-emerged after Jeff Kuria, a presenter at vernacular radio station -Inooro Fm- shared it to his Facebook account. Kenyans have since been making videos dancing to the song in a viral challenge akin to the Jerusalema challenge.

Firirinda musician Dick Munyonyi (centre), his son Munyoni Junior (R) and musician Epha Maina on Monday, February 22

In fact, Murang’a, Kiambu and Nyeri County Assemblies recently erupted into the dance to celebrate the passing of the contentious BBI Bill.

Watch: Murang’a, Kiambu County Assemblies Erupt into ‘Firirinda’ After Passing BBI Bill

In a statement on Thursday, KECOBO warned that the viral challenge might turn out like the Jerusalema challenge, where record company Warner is demanding license fees for the use of the song in the videos.

“Make sure you are not caught on the wrong side of the law with the current Firirinda craze. Get authority from the author if you want to make a derivative work of it.

“Jerusalema craze now haunts many. Don’t blindly fall for every craze. It may lead you into trouble with the law,” warned KECOBO.

The copyright agency added: “The law stipulates that the owner of the copyright has the exclusive right to control the distribution, reproduction and any derivative works.”


All The Trending Images This Last February Weekend

It’s the final weekend of the month, and two months are now down. As we get ready to usher in the March, this is what’s trending.


ODM Presidential Candidates Given More Time To Submit Applications

The Raila Odinga-led Orange Democratic Movement(ODM) has extended the deadline for prospective presidential flagbearers to submit their applications.

Candidates had until February 26 to apply but this has been pushed by a month to March 31, 2021.

“Further to the notice of the National Elections Board (NEB) of 21st January 2021 calling for the submission of applications by individuals interested in consideration as the ODM Party presidential candidate for the 2022 general elections, this is to extend the deadline for the submission of applications from 26th of February 2021 to 31st March 2021,” ODM National Elections Board chairperson Catherine Mumma announced Thursday.

“All interested interest candidates are required to submit their application in the prescribed manner.”

Interested candidates are required  to obtain application forms from the Party Headquarters at Chungwa House or from the party’s website.

Any interested applicant should be a Kenyan citizen by birth, a registered voter, be a life member of the ODM Party, be a holder of a degree from a university recognized in Kenya and of high moral standing and integrity.

“Have demonstrable commitment and participation to the Party’s activities and agenda; meet the minimum requirements for Presidential Candidates as set out by the IEBC,” adds the party.

Applicants are also required to pay a non-refundable application fee of Sh1 million.


Betty Kyallo Back On TV Alongside Eric Omondi

Betty Kyallo looks set to end her media hiatus as she gears for her big television comeback early next month.

The celebrity media personality confirmed her return through her social media pages, revealing she will be back on KTN.

“She’s back! Told You It Wasn’t For Long💯 I Am So BLESSED. GRATEFUL TO GOD. March 7th🔥🔥🔥 wrote Betty.

While she did not reveal more details, sources indicate she will be hosting a new show alongside comedian Eric Omondi. This probably explains the duo’s recent snippets of the supposed show on their social media pages.

We are made to understand Betty will only be hosting a show and not anchoring the news, with discussions between the popular personality and Standard Group said to be still ongoing.

“She’ll launch a show with Eric Omondi on March 7. I cannot give out more information. Nonetheless, she will be hosting the show for a long time and it’s not a one-time event,” a source said.

Kyallo resigned from KTN in 2018 where she used to anchor news and host Friday Briefing. She then joined K24 TV where she anchored news and hosted two human interest shows on Friday and Saturday.


Huddah Rubbishes Alleged Beef With Tanasha Donna Over Follower Count

Huddah Monroe has come out to put a stop to rumours of an online catfight with singer Tanasha Donna.

The popular Instagram personality had been accused of throwing shade at Ms Donna over her new follower count. The ‘Radio’ hitmaker had put up a post celebrating having 3 million followers on Instagram before Huddah appeared to rain on her parade.

In her post, the socialite rubbished the obsession most people have regarding the number of followers.

“Lol! So funny how in 2021 people still fight for who is most followed in Kenya/Africa or has the most likes. Lol! But what’s your Bank Balance Darling! In this side of town, we evolved. Even companies know followers don’t mean buyers 90% of the time especially in Africa because most people just follow for gossip or lurking. Otherwise, we would have a small business going to the moon outchea,” Huddah opined.

Some saw this as an indirect attack on Ms Donna before Huddah came out to dismiss the allegations.

“Stop creating beef where there is none. There is no single woman in Kenya or the whole of Africa who is my competition that I can hate or envy. I only envy extremely successful women; not even envy, I admire. There is no woman my age or younger in Africa who would intimidate me enough to hate on her. Get your facts right,” Huddah wrote on Instastories.

The beautypreneur added that her statement was not directed at anyone specific.

“Stop putting women against each other for your entertainment. I have been talking about followers for months. Comparing the whole world.

“Y’all who follow me know I have said this a million times. Another woman success (Not number of followers). Is my motivation. It shows that me too I can get there. Be happy for others achievements in life, (again not numbers of follower’s coz that doesn’t pay bills) and you will soon be there.” 

Huddah also reiterated: “Funny part is people equate followers to success LMFAO! LOL! I can’t afford to hate on people coz of followers, surely it’s not money, Car, or House. My 2 million followers don’t mean it’s $2M. And what is a celebrity with no money? Just a most followed person.”


Sauti Sol Partners With Pace Africa To Launch Sh5K ‘PaceSol’ Ear Pods

The Kenyan boyband Sauti Sol has expanded its business portfolio by partnering with Keep Pace Africa Limited to launch its own brand of ear pods.

According to the ‘Midnight Train’ hitmakers, the PaceSol Bluetooth ear pods encompass the band’s love for great audio combined with Pace’s expertise in manufacturing exceptional audio hardware.

“We wanted to create a product that sums us up as a group; part lifestyle, part activewear and part musical excellence,” said Bien Aime.

“PaceSol is a product you can use anywhere and look good, and not compromise on your listening experience because of its quality,” added Chimano.

Keep Pace Africa CEO, video director Jibril Blessing said the partnership with Sauti Sol “is a celebration of what African brands can achieve through collaboration”.

“Coupling Sauti Sol and Sol Generation’s mantra of D.O.P.E (Discipline, Order, Passion and Excellence) and Keep Your Own Pace of Pace, the purpose of the product is to inspire Africans to make their moves in a dope way,” said J Blessing.

“This partnership with Sauti Sol is a dovetail as we share the same value and passion for delivering meaning experiences. Therefore,we know that our fans and consumers will enjoy the Pacesol experience.” He added.

PaceSol is the first product in a range of future products expected to come from the partnership.

Boasting a wireless distance of 33ft/10m and a transmission range of 2.40GHz to 2.48GHz, PaceSol ear pods will retail at Sh5000.

The pods can last up to 10 hours with wireless play and up to 50hrs with a charging case.


KidKora on Outgrowing The Kansoul, “The Music Was Degrading to Women”

Musician and record producer KidKora confirmed he is no longer part of the Kansoul music group saying he needed a new direction for his music.

In what looks like a bitter split, KidKora accused Kansoul members, Madtraxx and Mejja, of swindling him out of unknown amounts of money in royalties from the group’s projects.

“I am the one with the name of a thug, but you all are the real Wakoras,” he wrote on social media.

In another post, Kora wrote: “I had to lose everything I thought I wanted To gain the one thing that I really needed. Fucking around with the wrong bitch. Took me six years to figure out How to kill a witch. two niggas who still owe me money. Still Calling my phone and acting buddy buddy. Sija sahao how you motherfuckers did me dirty. Pesa za show zilifa kuwa 50 50.”

Kora also revealed he left the group for his own peace of mind.

“Funny how I left this group and everything toxic in my life. Then things changed for me. Started putting on some weight. Confidence is through the roof. Hair growing, skin glowing,” he said, adding: “Left all the negatives in 2019 only to wake up this morning to find people I called family took advantage of my kindness. But I am not the same kid from 2019, man’s been through the fire.”

“I speak up now. I walk with a skip in my step and stand tall. Don’t let the RnB sh*t fool you. John Snow is back from the dead. A bad queen on my side. Ready to take on all these f***ing blue-eyed vultures. Pay me.”

The musician also mentioned he outgrew the music they were making as Kansoul.

“I pleaded for a new direction. Something with a little more substance that doesn’t degrade the women we call mother, sister and daughters. Music that best fitted our age and reality at that moment,” he said.

“Thirty-four years old with kids and a wife, talking about how many girls you can beba. Talking about clubs but you sleepy AF by 11 pm. Back is in pain. Trying to play a young man’s game. Just wasn’t me anymore. And that’s the only reason I left. For a new direction for my music. For my health, mental and physical, and for my peace.”


Doreen Majala’s New Venture After Leaving NTV

Former news anchor Doreen Majala has unveiled her new venture about 13 months after she left NTV.

Majala, who is a trained lawyer holding a Bachelor of Laws from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa(CUEA), has opened a mediation practice registered as Ressolution Chambers, LLC.

In a post on social media, Majala said Ressolution Chambers specializes in custom-made dispute resolution.

“Greetings, Introducing to you Ressolution Chambers, LLC. We are a group of professional Mediators specializing in custom made dispute resolution. We believe Mediation is about exploring options and achieving agreeable solution(s). For more info:,” she shared.

The firm’s other mediators are Muhavi Mugambi and Eshuchi M. Mukuna.

Majala, who also holds a post-graduate Advocates Training from the Kenya School of Law (pending admission to the Bar), is the Head of Ressolution Chambers.

Mugambi, a specialist in International Law and its related subjects, and Mukuna are listed as Adjunct Affiliate Fellows at Ressolution Chambers.


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Watch: Murang’a, Kiambu County Assemblies Erupt into ‘Firirinda’ After Passing BBI Bill

It had come to be referred to as Super Tuesday, and by the end of the day, there was one clear winner.

The pro-BBI group led by President Uhuru and ODM leader Raila Odinga had prevailed. The bill was passed overwhelmingly in Central region, with many counties giving a unanimous approval to the bill that will greatly alter the 2010 referendum.

Many people are of the opinion that the car grant promised to the MCAs had a lot of sway, and that public support is still low. But that remains to be seen.

Upon approving the bill, what better way for the MCAs to celebrate the passing other than dancing to a 4 decade old song that has just recently gone viral.

By now you have heard of the catchy ‘Firirinda’ song, released more than 35 years ago by Dick Njoroge alias Munyonyi.

Despite it being a Kikuyu oldie, many millennials and gen z genuinely think it was a new release.

It is a celebratory song that urges hosts to welcome visitors with beer, and those who don’t partake, with tea.

MCAs and residents in Murang’a, Nyeri and Kiambu erupted into the now viral dance.






Tuesday, February 23, 2021

‘Silly’ Accident on Red Hill Road Caught on Dashcam (VIDEO)

A Monday evening accident was caught on dashcam along Red Hill road in Westlands.

In what appears to be a case of a distracted driver, the black SUV left the well marked lanes and climbing over the raised grass. It then rolls over on the tarmac.

Despite having rained earlier, the condition of the road is perfect, with all the slippery water dried up.

The accident was therefore quite likely a result of human error. No word on any injuries, but from the look of things, the driver and any passengers on board likely walked out well.

Here’s the video.


Monday, February 22, 2021

Spotify Finally Comes To Kenya

The world’s biggest music streaming service Spotify is finally coming to Kenya.

On Monday, Spotify announced their global expansion to over 80 new countries, mostly in Africa and Asia.

Among them are Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka,

Although an exact date was not given, the service promised to roll out the launch “over the next few days”.

These new markets will allow them to reach a pool of more than 1 billion new potential customers. They plan to partner with local creators to expand their music offerings.

Spotify stated that both its free and premium plans will be available across all markets, with specific plans like the Family, Duo, and Student Plan options only available in select markets.

Spotify’s entire global catalog will be available for all markets.

The biggest strength for the Swedish company is its personalized experience, where users get recommendations based on their own taste.

Spotify has also gone big on podcasts, and just yesterday announced a partnership with Obama and Bruce Springsteen for their own podcast.

The service joins Apple Music and Deezer which already allow Kenyan customers.

Monthly plans on Spotify start at $9.99, but it is unclear whether this will be the case in Kenya and these new markets.

Globally, Spotify offers a 3 months free trial of the service.

Here’s a list of all the new markets:

Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Côte d’Ivoire, Curaçao, Djibouti, Dominica, Equatorial Guinea, Eswatini, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Liberia, Macau, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.


Beyoncé Gifts Elsa Majimbo Icy Pak Collection As Rihanna Sends Love Message

There’s a reason everyone is now calling on the ‘god of Elsa Majimbo’; the star of the teenage comedy sensation continues to shine ever so brightly.

In a little over a year, the 19-year-old social media star who had 400 Instagram followers at the beginning of last year is now an international social media star with over 2.2 million followers.

On top of that, the comedienne has secured deals with countless global brands such as MAC cosmetics, Fenty by Rihanna, and Valentino fashion house; earned rave interviews with continental shows as well as international platforms like Vogue, GQ, Glamour, Forbes, NewYork Times. CNN’s Anderson Cooper; won awards; and worked on projects with Comedy Central.

The icing on the cake of her meteoritic rise to international fame is perhaps her friendship with Rihanna.

The pair have become quite the bosom ‘baddies’ as evidenced by a handwritten letter Elsa received from the American megastar.

As Rihanna was celebrating turning 33 over the weekend, Elsa Majimbo was on hand to wish her “childhood friend” a happy birthday. In doing so, Elsa shared a letter that Rihanna sent her at the beginning of her comedy career.

“Riri sent me this letter at the beginning of my career and has given me immense support and good advice. You know how much I adore you, have an Amazing and incredible birthday. Sending you great love. Happy Birthday, @rihanna!!!” Elsa tweeted on Saturday.

The letter reads ‘You a baddie and you know it. And your reel was fire!!’.

Then on Sunday, Majimbo shared a screenshot of her online interaction with Rihanna, which has since become her(Elsa’s) profile picture for eternity.


Hours later, Elsa Majimbo was gushing in awe after receiving a special gift from Beyonce. She shared photos and videos unboxing the latest collection from Beyoncé’s Ivy Park athleisure clothing line.

“BEYONCÉ!!! ICY PARK !! WE ARE NOT THE SAME!😭💗💗💗 thank you so much @beyonce @adidas @weareivypark !!!!” Majimbo wrote.

Suddenly, the section of Kenyas on Twitter that initially trolled Elsa Majimbo and criticized her comedy has gone dead silent. Some things are written in the stars.
